Little Kinkajou is in Beehive Trouble/Transcript (2024)

Diego: Hola, I'm Diego! I'm an animal rescuer! Here, at the Animal Rescue Center, we wake up really early in the morning 'cause there's always lots to do! That's my Mami! What animal is she holding? A turtle, right! She's taking the leatherback sea turtle back to the ocean!

Diego's Mother: Nos vemos pronto, Diego!

Diego: Do you see my Papi? What animal is he helping? A monkey, right! He's putting a bandage on the capuchin monkey who got hurt! Hola, Papi!

Diego's Father: Hola, Diego! Buenos dias, amigos! Hasta luego, Diego!

Diego: I'm checking on all the sleeping animals 'cause in the rainforest, some animals sleep in the night and some animals sleep in the day! Will you help me check on the sleeping animals? Great! Come on! Let's check and see what animals are sleeping in this tree! My flashlight can help us find the animals in the dark! Do you see any sleeping animals? There they are! That's a toucan, a butterfly, and a pygmy marmoset! But do you see an animal who is not asleep? Right, there's one right there! That's Papa Kinkajou! Can you say, "kinkajou"? Say, "kinkajou."

Papa Kinkajou: Hola!

Diego: Papa Kinkajou is the Animal Rescue Center's night watchman! Kinkajous make great watchmen because they sleep in the daytime!

Papa Kinkajou: But we love to stay up all night!

Diego: (Laughs) Look, the sleeping animals are waking up!

Papa Kinkajou: And the sun is coming out! That means it's almost time for me to go to sleep!

Diego: Right, 'cause kinkajous sleep...

Both: In the daytime!

Papa Kinkajou: So I better get home!

Little Kinkajou: Queek, queek! Ayudenme!

Diego: Uh-oh, that sounds like an animal in trouble!

Papa Kinkajou: That sounds like another kinkajou!

Diego: Let's go find out why the kinkajou is in trouble! Come on, amigos! Alicia, a kinkajou is in trouble!

Alicia: Our special camera, Click can find the kinkajou! Say, "Click."

Click: Say, "Click". Take a pic. Say, "Click". Take a pic. Soy Click, la camara I can take a pic I can can see and hear the animal in trouble Zoom in, through the forest and out to the sea To find the animal just call on me Say, "Click". Take a pic. Hi, I'm Click the camera. We need to find the kinkajou in trouble! The kinkajou in trouble sounds like this:

Little Kinkajou: Queek, queek!

Click: Let's zoom through the forest and listen for the kinkajou that goes:

Little Kinkajou: Queek, queek!

Red-Eyed Tree Frogs: Ribbit, ribbit!

Click: Does this sound like the kinkajou in trouble? No, that's a red-eyed tree frog!

Scarlet Macaw: Squawk, squawk!

Click: Does this sound like the kinkajou in trouble? No, that's scarlet macaw!

Little Kinkajou: Queek, queek!

Click: Does this sound like the kinkajou in trouble? Yes, that's it! You found the kinkajou! To take a picture of the kinkajou, say, "Click." Got it! Now you tell Diego, the animal in trouble is a kinkajou!

Diego: What did you find? A kinkajou?

Papa Kinkajou: That's my Little Kinkajou! Why is he in trouble?

Alicia: We've got to see more of the picture! We can do that if Click zooms out! Say, "Zoom!"

Papa Kinkajou: Oh, no, my Little Kinkajou has a beehive stuck to his head!

Diego: Let's zoom out even more, to see how to get to Little Kinkajou! Say, "super, zoom!" Here we are, and there's Little Kinkajou! But look, there's a muddy tree forest and Rocky Rock Rver in our way!

Papa Kinkajou: We've got to get past them to get to my Little Kinkajou!


Alicia: Look, bees!

Bees: We're buzzy buzzy bees, we love to try and sing! Be careful, look out, we also love to sting, sting, sting! We also love to sting!

Diego: Oh, no, the bees are heading back to their hive!

Papa Kinkajou: We have to get there before they do, Diego!

Diego: Don't worry, Papa Kinkajou! We'll save him! Come on, amigos!

Alicia: Go, Diego, go!

Diego: Al rescate!

[Al rescate plays]

Diego: Clap your hands with me. Clap, clap, clap. (4x) Great, let's call to Little Kinkajou! Say, "Queek, queek!" (2x)

All Animals: Go, Diego, go. Vamos, Diego, vamos. Al rescate, amigos! To the rescue my friends. (2x) Go, Diego, go. Vamos, Diego, vamos. (2x)

Diego: The muddy tree forest! Look at all the mud!

Papa Kinkajou: Diego, the mud is too deep! We'll get stuck!


Diego: Uh-oh, that sounds like the bees! Do you see the bees? There they are!

Bees: We're bees, we're bees, we're buzzy buzzy bees! Buzz, buzz, buzz, we love to sing! Look out, look out, we're buzzy, buzzy bees! 'Cause buzzy buzzy bees can also sting!

Diego: The bees are getting closer! We've got to get through this muddy tree forest fast! Look, kinkajous can walk on the branches in the treetops to get through the forest! We've got to walk across the branches like a kinkajou to get through the tree forest! To walk like a kinkajou, get down on your hands and feet! Get down, get down! Great! Now let's walk like a kinkajou! Walk, walk, walk! Uh, oh! Sleeping animals! What animals are those? Sleeping spiders! We don't want to wake up the spiders! Come on, keep walking like a kinkajou! Walk, walk, walk, walk! More sleeping animals! What animals are those? Snakes! We don't want to wake up the snakes! Keep walking! Walk, walk, walk!

Papa Kinkajou: Whoa, help me, Diego!

Diego: Papa Kinkajou, use your tail to grab onto the branch!

Papa Kinkajou: Ooh, that was a close one, but I'm okay!

Diego: Kinkajous have strong tails that help them hang from branches! Yay! Thanks for helping us get past the muddy tree forest!

Papa Kinkajou: You're good at walking like a kinkajou!

Harpy Eagle: Screech, screech! Screech, screech!

Papa Kinkajou: Uh-oh! That sounds like harpy eagles! They must be waking up!

Diego: Kinkajous are afraid of harpy eagles! Kinkajous can hide in tree holes!

Harpy Eagle: Screech, screech! Screech, screech!

Diego: Help Papa Kinkajou hide! If you see a harpy eagle, yell, "harpy eagle!"

Harpy Eagle: Screech, screech!

Diego: The kinkajou heard you and hid! If you see a harpy eagle, yell, "harpy eagle!"

Harpy Eagle: Screech, screech!

Diego: All right! If you see a harpy eagle, yell, "harpy eagle!"

Harpy Eagle: Screech, screech!

Diego: Yay! You helped Papa Kinkajou get away from the harpy eagle!

Papa Kinkajou: (Panting) Whew!

Diego: Uh-oh, Papa Kinkajou needs some energy after all that hiding! He needs something to eat! Let's check my Animal Snack Pack for some food for Papa Kinkajou! Do you see the picture of the kinkajou? Right! Look, fruit! Here some fruit, Papa Kinkajou! Wow, that's a long tongue!

Papa Kinkajou: Yum, yum, yum! I love fruit! Gracias, Diego! I feel so much better! Let's save some fruit for my Little Kinkajou! He'll be hungry, too!

Little Kinkajou: Queek, queek! Hurry, Papi, hurry!

Papa Kinkajou: Diego, That's Little Kinkajou!

Diego: Let's call out to Little Kinkajou to tell them we're coming! Say, "Queek, queek!" Again!

Both: Queek, queek!

Diego: Come on, amigos, let's go save Little Kinkajou! Look, the Rocky Rock River!

(Buzzing coming closer)

Diego: Uh-oh, that sounds like the bees! Do you see the bees? There they are!

Bees: We're buzzy buzzy bees, we love to try and sing! Be careful, look out, we also love to sting, sting, sting! We also love to sting!

Diego: We've got to go down this Rocky Rock River before they do!

Papa Kinkajou: But, Diego, kinkajous don't swim!

Diego: Don't worry! My Rescue Pack can transform into anything we need! To activate my Rescue Pack, say, "¡Activate!" Louder! ¡Activate!

All: Yo! Rescue Pack!

(Lively music plays)

Rescue Pack: I'm... Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! Al rescate! Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! I'm Rescue Pack, I got your back! I can turn into a parasail or a kayak! A zip cord, a snowboard, whatever you need! We can do it, nothing to it! I'm... Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! Al rescate! Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! I'm... Rescue Pack!

Rescue Pack: Yo! Rescue Pack here! Diego and Papa Kinkajou need something that will help them go down the river fast! I can turn into... a mud board, a boat... or a bicycle! What can Diego use to get down the river fast? A boat, right! Now you tell Diego and Papa Kinkajou, they need a boat!

Diego: What do we need? A boat! Life jackets, so we can be safe! We have to look out for rocks so we can paddle around them!

Papa Kinkajou: Look, Diego, a rock!

Diego: Is the rock on the left or on the right? The right! Perfecto! We need to paddle this way! Come on!

Papa Kinkajou: Another rock, Diego!

Diego: Is the rock on the left or on the right? The left! Correcto! We need to paddle this way! Come on!

Papa Kinkajou: Look, Diego, another rock!

Diego: Is the rock on the left or on the right? The right! Muy bien! Yay! We made it down the Rocky Rock River!


Diego: Hey, that's my video watch! It's my sister, Alicia!

Alicia: Diego, the bees are heading your way! You better hurry!


Papa Kinkajou: Here they come!

Diego: We've got to get to Little Kinkajou before the bees get to their hive! Thanks for the warning, Alicia! Let's go, amigos! Let's go save Little Kinkajou!

Little Kinkajou: Queek, queek! Ayudenme!

Diego: Hey, I hear Little Kinkajou, but I can't see him! We can use my binoculars to help us find Little Kinkajou! Make binoculars with your hands to look for Little Kinkajou! Which tree has Little Kinkajou on it? The tree on the left or on the right? The left, excelente!

Little Kinkajou: Papi, help me! Ayudenme!

Papa Kinkajou: We're coming, Little Kinkajou!


Diego: Uh-oh, I can hear the bees close by!

Bees: We're bees, we're bees, we're buzzy buzzy bees! Buzz, buzz, buzz, we love to sing! Look out, look out, we're buzzy, buzzy bees! 'Cause buzzy buzzy bees can also sting!

Diego: Those bees sure can sing! But they can also sting!

Little Kinkajou: Papi, Diego! I can see the bees from up here! Hurry!

Papa Kinkajou: We're coming, mi'jo!

Diego: Papa Kinkajou's got to climb to the top of the tree before the bees get here! In English we say, "climb." In Spanish we say, "sube." Sing "sube" with me! Sing... Sube, sube, sube! Come on, amigos! Sube, sube, sube! Again! Sube, sube, sube! Louder! Sube, sube, sube! Faster! Sube, sube, sube! Come on! Sube, sube, sube! Sube, sube, sube! Yay! Thanks for singing "sube."

Papa Kinkajou: We're here, my Little Kinkajou!

Little Kinkajou: Papi, Papi! Pull me out of the beehive!

Papa Kinkajou: Okay, mi'jo, we'll get you out! Diego, he's really stuck!

Diego: We'll help you! We've got to pull Little Kinkajou out of the beehive! Put your arms out in front of you and... pull, pull, pull, pull, pull! Here comes the bees!

Papa Kinkajou: Diego, get us out of here!

Diego: Yippee! Whee!

Little Kinkajou: Gracias, Diego! Gracias, Papi! Thanks for getting my head out of the beehive!

Diego: De nada! (Laughing)

Papa Kinkajou: And look what we brought you, Little Kinkajou!

Little Kinkajou: Yum, yum, yum! Que fruita tan rica! Gracias, Papi! Gracias, Diego!

Diego: Papa Kinkajou is so happy to be back home with Little Kinkajou! Yay!

[Animal end song plays]

Diego: Kinkajou! Come on, say it with us!

Both: Kinkajou!

Diego: Say it louder!

All: Kinkajou!

Diego: Everybody scream!

All: Kinkajou!

Diego: Excelente! They use their hands and tails to hang from the trees. They use their claws to climb, come on, climb with me... Let's climb like kinkajous! Put your hands in the air! Now, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb! Climb, climb, climb, climb, climb!

Papa Kinkajou: Stay up all night!

Diego: And sleep in the day! And when we want to call them, we know what to say! Say, "Queek, queek!"

Both: Queek, queek!

Diego: Queek, queek!

Both: Queek, queek!

Diego: Queek, queek!

All: Queek, queek!

Both: Queek, queek!

All: Queek, queek!

Papa Kinkajou: Oh, now it's time for us to go to sleep, Diego!

(Kinkajous yawning)

Diego: Right, 'cause kinkajous sleep in the daytime! Que duerman bien! Sweet dreams! Mision cumplida! Rescue complete! You are a great animal rescuer! What do kinkajous do?

Both: Let's review!

Diego: Do kinkajous live in the rainforest or the desert?

(Cursor clicks the rainforest)

Diego: The rainforest, right! Do kinkajous eat fish or fruit?

(Cursor clicks the fruit)

Diego: They eat fruit, right!

Alicia: Do kinkajous sleep in the daytime or in the nighttime?

(Cursor clicks the daytime)

Alicia: The daytime, right!

Diego: Hey, we've almost finished the puzzle!

Alicia: Do kinkajous have long, long tongues or tiny tongues?

(Cursor clicks the tongues)

Alicia: Long, long tongues, right! They use their tongues to eat yummy fruit!

Diego: We solved the puzzle! That's a kinkajou!

Alicia: Let's put the picture of the kinkajou in our Animal Science Book with all the other rainforest animals.

Diego: We learned so much about kinkajous today.

Alicia: And there's so much more for us discover.

Both: Together!

Diego: Hasta luego, amigos!

Alicia: See you soon!

Little Kinkajou is in Beehive Trouble/Transcript (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.