ROUND 2 RECAP + GAME 7 PREVIEW WITH KEVIN BIEKSA - Episode 501 - Raw Chili (2024)

@@San Jose Sharks

  • May 20, 2024


[Music] it’s my duty to please the booty and M got mad at me the coach and he goes Jesus Christ why don’t you just wear two nines in wa okay switch to car please please please never do that [Music] yep hello everybody Welcome to episode 501 of spit and chicklets presented by Pink Whitney from our friends at New Amsterdam Vodka here in the Bol Sports podcast family boy we finally got a day to catch our breath B today is the first day in exactly one month that we did not have a playoff game can you believe that crazy stretch but we do have a game seven coming up but first we say howdy to the boys let’s go to the wit dog first Ryan Whitney Whit how’s it going buddy Wii whg what’s going on boys yeah hopefully the Wi-Fi stays strong I I I saw when Keith Keith Yandel uh came in for me he had Wi-Fi issues too US money guys got to get off our wallet and get some million career earnings I actually got a for to upgrade like the entire internet in my house it’s like 7even Grand I’m like what the hell are you building me a new house so same guy who installed your basem*nt yeah EXA the basem*nt’s doing phenomenal now the basem*nt’s doing great but um what a time what a time it was crazy no hockey today it was kind of nice that it was the uh PGA final at Valhalla which turned into some some interesting drama coming down the stretch so it was nice I’m a little surprised that after game seven tonight there’s another day off I thought the East would maybe hop right in Tuesday and then the West could get going Wednesday to really build on the momentum from tonight’s game seven which should be an incredible incredible game in atmosphere in Vancouver but um quickly I just wanted to mention you guys I know I know I know that sometimes you don’t want to hear me talk about it but it’s pink Whitney time this show is presented by Pink Whitney new Amsterdam’s own flavored pink lemonade vodka that’s pink Whitney so thank you so much you know what guys New York and Florida they’re Advanced to the Eastern Conference Final those are pink Whitney places those are pink Whitney towns pink Whitney areas so I know that those drinks are going to be ripping before the Eastern Conference Finals in both cities and then out west Dallas everything’s bigger in Texas so they like that big 1.75 L bottle down in big old Texas with their guns and I’ll tell you right now Edmonton and van back and forth tomorrow if you’re in Edmonton or van and you’re at a Cactus Club I don’t think they sell it but maybe snip a nipping maybe snip snip a nipping and send me a picture of you just chugging your pink Whitney before the game so a great time of year to drink that’s how they baptized the kids in Edmonton now they use the pink Whitney exactly the blood of Christ exactly a man so yep we’re presented by Pig Whitney thank you to new amram thank you to all you guys for listening and and drinking it what an interesting interesting show we have in store because this Edmonton van game this Edmonton van game tonight guys I got a lot riding on this one and it ain’t Financial it’s just basically my livelihood and I haven’t been on I haven’t been on social social media kind of get into that um maybe at another time um but I have not been on social media uh and and I I really am probably happy about that overall although it would have been nice after game six to be in the mix but what a series what a series well we’re going to get into the Weeds about it uh uh pretty soon but all right I’ll throw it back over to you I’m looking forward to getting your take on who you think it’s been the jaal and hide show with whether the big stars show up on one team whether they show up on the next like how are you feeling about the big guys going into game seven I’m very confident I actually love the fact that they’ve exchanged wins throughout this series because it’s like that is not going to last forever now I think edington’s going to get the job done I think it was an incredible move putting Skinner back in by noblock I didn’t think I was shocked I was surprised because uh Pickard had done such a good job really I mean overall he came in did really well but knock’s all about giving guys a second chance I think Skinner he could see he could tell he wanted another a crack at it you saw the discussion that g was having on the bench with Skinner after practice before game four when he found out he wasn’t starting that’s a veteran probably going over things and realizing telling him you’re going to get another chance and sure enough he did only had to make 15 saves Edmonton’s best game of the series and the big dogs came the big dogs came to play uh Leon became um I think only the fourth player in NHL history to record 60 assists in 60 games and also the third fastest to get get 100 career points in the playoffs right after Lemieux and Gretzky so I’ve talked about Leon in the playoffs almost maybe being better than McDavid but McDavid with the bounceback game game one he was bad game two he dominated game five I thought was one of the worst games I’ve seen him play game six he was electric so in in that same in that same vein talk called out those guys after game four he got he said we got passengers and he was talking about Pon and Pon had that press conference where he’s asked about his lack of productivity and he had no interest in answering the question but game five was his best game he was physical they put that Swedish line together with Lin Holm and hoglander got back in and they were great and dominated so two totally different games love the bounce back by Edmonton the crowds at these games have been so ridiculous like you can just tell watching on TV I had a bunch of videos sent to me from the Oilers the other night and they were just incredible texts from buddies and the best moment was the whole Arena it’s 4-1 the game got the game’s over they’re singing Living on a Prayer is the Puck’s ready to drop Bon Joy Banger puck drops Kane Snipes So in the midst of the entire Arena singing they celebrate the fifth goal a dominating effort but it’s not going to be a it’s not going to be a [ __ ] kicking in game seven it doesn’t matter who’s going to win it’s going to be a close one it’s going to be a memorable one uh superstein and posha were at game six in Adon that’s the type of night where like you know 9 months from now there’s probably going to be an influx of pregnancies but the baby’s popping out like no doubt like just the Mojo was going the whole town was buzzing after all the big dog showed up um all right I’ll throw it back over to you but uh anything that you I’ve just been taken in playoffs it’s been hockey hockey hockey I don’t have much going on in my personal life we had the um we had the fortunate ability to have game six of that Rangers Carolina series and then also the Dallas uh Colorado game six as well so it’s been great the the second round has delivered I think we all expected it to ramp up cuz I felt like last year maybe there was a little bit of a drop off off round one where this year we expected it to hey at least every game went to uh series went to six right and we had yeah we had a chance for four game sevens I thought we might get two you knew Edmonton van was going and I should say we we do have Kevin be EXA coming on we interviewed him we’re going to go to him right after this because he’s such a Canucks Legend and he follows the team he’s doing a great job with uh with hockey Knight in Canada and and so he he brings his point of view to everything and and we were all laughing even he thought Edmonton would get it done in five or six I’ve already been made to look a fool the way I was ranting and raving about us dominating Vancouver I did not think that their defense would be as good and reliable and hard to play against as they are great coaching I think Talk’s getting a ton of credit which he deserves I think no Block’s done a good job too the way they’ve answered to all these losses and come back with wins some different lineup changes let’s talk about hallway putting hallway holy [ __ ] what a goal in game six that guy looked like MC David out there he went MC Jesus mode I saw the spit and chicklets um Instagram mentioned mcjesus mode and that’s a that’s what you need you needed some depth scoring he talked about the Stars cannot just carry the load every single time for Edmonton and for him to go out and get that goal make it one nothing oh my God and at a scary time of when Vans figured out Edmonton’s greatest power play to ever be created they were able to dominate five on five in game six so just an amazing effort by the Oilers but going back to game Vancouver man I I was writing down stuff in my notes app on the on my phone JT Miller oh my goder that place is screaming from hell for Pasha continues they started saying [ __ ] you posha JT Miller but uh I I wrote down during game five I said van just got like a tougher team they they are so just mean and angry and in your face and I thought Evington did a really good job Carrick coming in he adds some of that for Evington game six but game five I’m like this team just wants it more out there they they had their most shots they’d had in a playoff game this season and more than anything physically they just looked hungrier they looked like they wanted it more and Edmonton just kind of looked lost I thought that was their worst game even even after blowing a a huge lead in game one so it’s it’s the last two games have been so different as an Edmonton Oilers fan I’m a little more excited that even when Edmonton had a brutal game five they were still winning two to one and they still had a good chance of winning that game and and and so it’s like to me all right you play that bad van plays that good and then we still lose with 30 seconds left to go I think that that they can get this thing done on the road in game seven wait I don’t know if you saw this that Leon and Conor uh have combined for 30 points in nine games when facing elimination since 2017 that’s a pretty good bump right there make that’s another Point already that I want to bring up another reason I am optimistic is um the van guys they they had the bubble little run but it almost doesn’t count Edmonton they had they had a game seven two years ago against La they went to the Conference finals last year they go to the second round I just feel like they’re a little more experienced in the playoffs which really can help in a game seven juice uh will talk about possibly putting Perry back in the lineup just because of his experience and being a veteran and being around for so long I don’t know what’s going to happen if he gets put back in it’s hard to switch a winning lineup but yeah Leon and Connor to show up the way they did in game six after tough game fives that just shows what they’re made of and when you talk about stars around the league and needing to perform in playoffs these guys are every regular season dominant and then come playoffs they’re even better so it’s like when you want to want to get paid and you want to be the guy look at these two and yes they don’t have a Stanley Cup yet it’s not on them though it’s been about depth and issues that have come back to haunt them a little bit so far in this second round and hopefully they can figure it out in game seven tonight ah big moment for uh nen Hopkins getting that insurance one but I think that that Bard man that shot it’s such a weapon it just the way it just [ __ ] pops off his stick like that goal that he had like how many dmen from the point can just find Corners like that and pick off goals I know it was a snipe and and what was cool about that was that turnover he had to D DJI in in game five I mean that’s that’s a tough one just we had the pizza out on the broadcast the big sausage pizza we had it out on the broad I saw yeah after you guys dummied a couple more mascots Yan said he hit you in the face with the pie container Ratt he was all butt hurt and pissed at me no he told me beforehand he said something crying he said you he said he’s going to like hop no I was [ __ ] pissed cuz when buoy did it he kept pushing it in my face and the aluminum was cut in my forehead I still have cuts on my forehead it had nothing to do with Yan’s I thought it was actually funny like yanan’s after I already gotten pied Yan’s hum chuckled one from like 15 away and it got me with like a double airer that [ __ ] so I wasn’t what does he mean I’m rattled I went home and smoked like calling his agent Jeff and like shut the [ __ ] up was Boo was Boo yelling under his mask Biz cuz you were beating the [ __ ] out of him so bad you were like [ __ ] Kung Fu kicking him and [ __ ] oh I we don’t hold punches I as soon as I open I had no clue that he was coming and as soon as I cleared my eyes out I gave him a right jab right to the button and then he started coming at me and then after I got blooper and the headlock cuz I don’t know what his I don’t know what hisence what’s his riff with big cat why does he hate blooper specifically so much what’s the I don’t know where I don’t know what that stems from but he’s always been going they’ve always been going at each other online so he got Liam and then I I had no clue that that buoy was there so when it was buoy and it already scratched my forehead that’s when my blood pressure and my wires crossed and after I had blooper in the headlock I I tomich or what do you want to call it like a Judo kicked him tomahawk chop oh tomahawk chop Judo kicked him right in the right in the jugular and got him on the ground so they ended up moving away to the replays like we were going at it for a good minute there until uh until we got counted out by the wrestling ref he just got out of the hospital after you broke his ribs at the winner classic he wanted payback he flew cross country just CR country to put a pie in my face and cut me with aluminum serious like who who [ __ ] paid for that fre that Freight back Bard I mean dude that’s a he it he’s done a great job this year in really simplifying his game because he’s so skilled in his shot and his his ability on the power play like you don’t need him to try to do crazy things and he wasn’t necessarily trying anything crazy on that turnover just fumble [ __ ] it dppi with a nice kind of backhander that that finds the five hole and how are you going to respond it’s all about how you going to respond and both teams have had guys have really bad games and come back with way better efforts that’s a sign of a champion that’s a sign of a professional that’s willing to kind of take accountability you look at what JT Miller did in game five after he talked about his mess up in game four so the the amount of comeback stories in this series has been great uh Skinner’s another one so I it’s just it’s the perfect drama it’s exactly what this series needed and it’s going to be like it’s a game ra that you know in your past is a Bruins fan and you you enjoy it but you don’t like watching the game it’s just like I don’t even enjoy this game right now I’m so stressed out so it’s it’s going to be one of those things where whoever scores first tonight that fan base is like we got it and the other fan base is shaking in their boots but they know they’re one goal away from tying it so you’re just always in the mix always in the fight and I don’t see it not being a one-goal game especially you9 mini mini sheets on it too sorry Biz the what especially you have they they they need to win eight more games after this so it’s like yeah I know I know I know R if you win if you win that future will you put the money towards a membership at our buus Club I mean I have to go to Vancouver to stop I mean stop banging people in that’s a long way to go to just stop banging people in the EV Volvo FR no you got to have kids first to drop them off at learn to skate to then get freaky in the parking lot with another parent they win the second round here in game seven they’re going to bump the memberships another 50k up that’s how horned up for people are for hockey right now in Vancouver but guys we have juice coming on I don’t think there was anything else that we needed to personally dissect uh as you said with it’s going to be an electric game seven uh oh actually one one more thing we had uh deppi on um after I believe it was game five and he’d been going through some issues um with with childbirth and his wife and and obviously the kids doing well now and he gave in a very emotional postgame interview and Liam asked him about it and he got choked up and I just thought it was such a special moment um especially at the fact of you know you have all these unsung heroes come playoff time and I really think he stepped up and had a big game considering he hadd been going on and dealing with everything he’d been dealing with off the ice so it was emotional and uh yeah I just wanted to make sure we mentioned it good good job is yeah he got his first career playoff goal and yeah he was getting emotional I thought you did a great thing there Biz you kind of segue that you know move the conversation along to more hockey because I mean it was you know it’s obviously an emotional subject and you did a good thing there by kind of well yeah no and Liam asked the question like sometimes those aren’t easy to ask but he you know you see his lip quivering and you’re like oh God you’re you know he kept it together though and he and he hit out of the park had an excellent game so that’s what the playoffs about at special moments like that and I just wanted to give him his flowers on that all right just uh before we said that over the juice just a couple of numbers for you we haven’t gotten to yet this is the 197th game seven in h Stanley Cup playoff history the third this year and this is the 17th straight postseason that we’ve had at least three game sevens uh it’ll be the first time two Canadian teams will meet in a game seven with a trip to the Conference Final on the line since 2002 when Toronto beat uh Ottawa 3 nothing to go into the Conference Final and the third time in the McDavid era that the Oilers have forced the game seven would face an elimination they’re one in one in those two games they beat La back in 2022 and the Oilers have yet to lose back-to-back games in these playoffs they seven and4 all time in game seven knucks six- six so we’ll see what happens and without further Ado let’s throw it over to Kevin bexa this game review segment is presented by ESPN ABC and ESPN plus are the home of the Stanley Cup Final Stanley Cup playoffs and Final on ESPN ABC and ESPN plus oh we got a doozy coming up this week game one Rangers Panthers at MSG oh man getting Goosebumps just thinking about it cannot wait for that watch on Stanley Cup Playoffs on ESPN ABC ESPN plus all right it’s time to bring on one of our fan favorites I believe this is his fourth time on the show and he’s also a sandbagger alumni if you weren’t familiar with that it’s always you yeah took took a big fat [ __ ] L this guy on our secret weapon to bring this guy on the Pod the Superman punch himself Kevin bxa how the hell are you my friend good boys always a pleasure to be on chicklets looking forward to this well you know why we brought you on let’s get right to it man Vancouver Edmonton were going into game seven we knew it was going seven right or at least we over here at chickets did did you guys I picked him in I picked him in six you picked him in five Biz so I don’t think we could say we knew well for the drama aspect we knew for for candless series it had to go seven games what did you think before juice like what was your thoughts going into it going into it honestly just by judging the first round I thought Edmonton would take care of them in five or six as well and but then after you watch the first two games you forget how how competitive Vancouver is and how well they’re coached and how well they defend and they turned it into the series that they needed it to be the low scoring and I know Edmonton going into game five they’ scored 50% of their power play but Vancouver only gave them like two to three power plays a game that’s it and then game five 0 for five then last game all for four so you you got to give your guys your boy talk Biz some credit like they’re they’re slowing Conor down and they’re slowing Leon down and yeah I know they won 5-1 last night and and Connor had three and Leon had two but I I wouldn’t feel super confident if I was the oiler was going into this game seven I don’t think that either fan base feels that confident they may try to like act a different way but it’s been such a crapshoot of a series where both teams have dominated at times like you saying after game two at least even the first period of game one Edmonton’s up two nothing second period ly Holmes scores late to make it 4-2 but e even then I’m like all right I totally underestimated Vancouver I underestimated that I thought some of their bigger D was slow and weren’t going to be able to compete no they’ve been in everyone’s face and I think that it’s just been a war of attrition almost where you’ve also seen Edmonton Stars bounce back from Bad Games and then also Vancouver Stars after talk calls them out in game four game five was by easily the best game of their entire playoff so it’s been so back and forth I think it’s been the most I’m biased I think it’s been the most enjoyable series to watch in the most enjoyable to watch in the playoffs so far yeah so think about this W did you think Susi and Myers would do this good of a job against against Connor and honestly I don’t think Edmonton and noblock thought that so you you know what it’s like when you have a hard matchup and you’re Conor and you don’t really respect the matchup you’re like these guys can’t shut me like I remember Patrick Kane skating by your bench when we played them in the playoffs three years in a row and the one the one night it was me and Andrew Alberts against them and he’s SK by your bench and he goes oh here we go Elaine BHO was our coach he goes really Elaine really Andrew Alberts I Conor kind of felt that way too like these guys like can’t cover me these guys can’t shut me down but then they did because they’re both tall long rangey guys and they’ve done a good job so now I thought going into last game especially in emont where noblock had last Chang give them give the matchup a little bit of respect and get Conor away from JT and the big boys just just once in a while like when you want him to play against them like after Vancouver scored the or Emington scored the goal like on your terms but get them away from them but now going back into Vancouver Vancouver is going to get that hard matchup against Conor yeah well they’re going to get Miller’s line they’re going to get with El besser which is a huge loss but they’re gonna have Miller’s line and they’re gonna have the two big boys so Connor will like he’ll earn his money in game seven we’ll see what he can do I I I think it was a bit disrespectful not assuming that they would do the same thing they did to Edmonton in the regular season uh talk always had success even when he was with the coyotes and defending McDavid the way you talked about always get bz no he didn’t buddy buddy I’m telling you right now he should not defend McDavid yeah they did a good job we need to see the numbers G pull up his numbers I have conversation I would have conversations with talk about it and he would talk about how to defend him and he would put Brad Richardson on him who was a fourth liner but a kg veteran he’d won Stanley Cups or at least won with the LA Kings and buddy I was in the radio Booth watching I thought forg given how good McDavid was and against the Coyotes they did a good job and they would actually pull out some wins and slow him down a little bit so he kind of had a game plan obviously going into the season at the beginning of the year and he’s brought that into playoffs with that matchup why are you laughing right now I hey I respect your opinion Biz I respect what you saw and I play with Brad Richardson you cannot tell me he shut down McDavid G what are the numbers Conor McDavid has 18 goals and 20 assists in a plusus five in 26 games against the Coyotes yeah how money under Rick toet though 18 goals in five games bz against the Coyotes I’m trying to pump talk tires every rookie party shut the [ __ ] up I’m trying to [ __ ] give talk a double rer right now but is doing he’s doing a job and Adam foot is doing a job and you’re never going to stop Connor you’re never going to stop Liam uh Liam Leon but they’re doing as good they’re giving themselves a chance they’re on home ice when game seven you tell Canuck fans at the beginning of the Season hey you guys are me the second round in game seven on take it or leave it boom take it so um I actually think that so game one McDavid was bad he bounces back dominates game two game five I thought was one of the worst games I’ve seen him play enough where I’m like is something wrong with him game six he was excellent but he won’t shoot right now and I was texting a couple buddies that were at the game I’m like he I think he I think he has an injury maybe wrist or hand or something because he’s having wide open looks it was funny too cuz uh Sam G was like yeah well he did have 100 assists this season so I think there’s an argument as to why he dishes but do you notice that juice that that McDavid isn’t really shooting at all I noticed on the power play he he doesn’t want to take that shot when he walks the goal line on the strong side he’s looking himman back door or he’s looking dry cidal seam but the cans have have finally figure that out finally after three games of getting scored on every other time so now last game you saw him take a couple of those shorts side shots he doesn’t want to take them the goalie teed up he sees them he knows if he makes that pass as a tap end but you’re right like Whit what what do you do when when players and teams start really cheating on the pass you got to fire the puck like Bard’s gonna have to fire the puck from the top and they’re GNA have to open up that whole PK again 0 for nine the power play for the Oilers they’re probably gonna have to score one or two in game seven if you think they’re going to win but again give give the Canucks and tet a little credit they’re they’re forcing him they’re forcing Connor to beat him beat them the way he doesn’t want to they’re they’re giving him so he’s got his first and second option in his head Canucks are taking out of the way and he’s taking option three right now which he doesn’t like so that’s a good job I think how about Leon’s game in game six I thought he came out just [ __ ] running guys winning every battle I thought he was a [ __ ] monster so we were thinking about how like what Leon’s going to show up in game six down 3 to2 and I’m like oh I know like I played against Leon game six Up 3 to2 going into Evon and he had three goals and two assists and they won 71 so like he this guy’s just a gamer like you knew he was going to show up on home ice and a do or die and you should probably expect the same thing from him in game seven although he gets the penalty early and you’re thinking okay is this the Leon that sometimes becomes a little unhinged on the ice gets a little bit emotional can’t quite but you know he gets the penalty on Garland Garland a little embellishment but then he gathered himself and he kept it together and he was an impact player what was your opinion um on Peterson’s game I I was kind of disgusted by the press conference he’s just like next question or whatever like he just seemed so disinterested but I thought game game game five he was incredible like he was really good and they put that Swedish line together that penalty he got in that game what did you think of that call they call it charging which is Technically when you leave your feet to hit someone did you agree with that call no I thought it was a back and I wasn’t working that game I was watching it from the US and I I thought it was a terrible call initially I sometimes when you see something first and you’re like okay you have an opinion I rewatched it a bunch of times you think about all the guys like I play with Rafi Torres like the the the captain of the reverse hit Alex Edler the cap like the the he guys didn’t want to finish him on the four check because he would leave the puck and reverse hit him I’ve never seen that called a charging before let alone in the playoffs like I thought it was a really interesting time for the official to make a ballsy call to make a precedent call and if he jumps up and his shoulder hits who was it um was it yamar or Fogle is a lefty so if he jumps up and he hits Fogle in the head with his shoulder I get that but he didn’t he jumped up as the hit was coming and he kind of Knocked Fogle down nothing H like I cannot imagine why they called that a penalty it was just it was a very it was a very soft call in a very big game in the playoffs I didn’t think that was the time for a precedent call I I thought Vancouver could have have been a little bit more disciplined in game six I also thought that Carrick penalty that zadorov had was [ __ ] too it feels like Carrick just came into him and took his ice so in game seven I hope the refs just stay the [ __ ] out of it but I want to see when you came on last time or the time before you talked about when you were in the Stanley Cup finals when you guys went on the road in game six didn’t you say that you guys felt a little tight like more so than usual was that what you said yeah Rory is going to love this but yeah when we went to B um I I don’t know why because and I thought the Canucks I don’t think they approached last game the right way you’re going into Edmonton you’re up three to2 you’re playing with The house’s money right so you have like a game you have a buffer they should have went into that game and just full speed Attack Mode right you don’t need to play that game safe like maybe game Seven’s a little bit different but in that situation they should have went right at them Attack Mode make eiton feel the pressure of it being a tie game or being down a goal and it was the same thing for us like we went into Boston in game six we were up three to2 we had a chance to win we flew in all of our family we had the charter with the other ones with the family members and we went in like and we like dipped our toe in the water and I always thought that was such a big mistake like we should have just dove into the deep end all in Let if you know if we like remember like Reeves in Boston you go for the hit and you give up a two onone the other way like I felt like we should have been like that type of aggressiveness and then if [ __ ] happens [ __ ] happens because you’re playing playing with The house’s money now you play a very passive timid game Connor and Leon take over now all of a sudden you’re going back home in game seven Kevin how you feeling about uh sheaves and game seven he had a rough one last time but he’s been pretty steady all throughout the playoffs since they put him in there I feel better about shoves than Skinner put it put it know man I would so I was very surprised that they started Skinner and I looked into it a little bit more and talking to people apparently knocks made it very clear through through his actions All Season that he gives guys a big time chance to rebound guys who’ve had tough games yeah they may sit down for a little bit but it’s not like you’re buried with this coach and I looked at it like once I found out even though I was shocked cuz peard piard I don’t know how you say his name excuse me no I [ __ ] it up he’s been he he was great he’s what that’s what they needed but he was almost looking at it like all right now it’s like such a challenge to Skinner like what do you have what are you made out of and also how hard are these guys going to play for Skinner now they love them I think think after having that game his confidence has to be skyh high the only thing I would say is he only had 15 shots the only thing what I’ll say is he swam around a little bit in the first period it’s been a tough series for for goalies um especially the oiler goalies because there hasn’t been the [ __ ] haven’t shot a lot of pucks they got like four shots after one you know three of their games this year they have like under five shots on net so if you’re a goalie you want to feel the puck and you want to get some confidence for making some saves um what I will say is like when you guys think about like a backup goalie so pickard’s really he’s a true backup goalie like Skinner is your number one for me and pickard’s way below he’s your backup so whe when [ __ ] happens in the playoffs and your number one doesn’t quite get the job done and you want to put the backup in so you put him in for game three then he starts game four and you get your win out of that that’s almost where as a coaching it’s really hard because you just won but it’s like okay we got as much as we’re going to get out of our backup we just got a relief and then we got a win at a start like okay now we’ve given our starter a rest a chance to reset let’s put him back in for game five but it’s a tough decision because you just won so they didn’t they keep peckered in and then they lose that game and then next thing you know it’s back to Skinner like I think when your number one is your number one you you ride him you can give him a little break if you want but he’s got to be your guy I I don’t like it when it goes back and forth with the decision that’s that’s just a personal thing for me I like noblock giving him the chance someone did mention that uh Pickard hadn’t started back-to-back games since like 2021 or maybe it was 2022 so all of a sudden it put him three in a row too and you know as much as anyone to kind of turn the brain on as a starter like that’s kind of part of what it what the challenge is in game over game over game right that’s why not a lot of goalies now do it 6065 times so I kind of like the move to go back to him because I believe high-end Skinner is going to give you more than what perard can and I like the fact now that he’s got his confidence going into game seven do you did you guys put on the broadcast that save that he made in the second though that blocker save was that that was labeled too came out of nowhere I think it was Quinn Hughes where they showed it again on the replay the perfect angle where I’m like that’s the save that he needed to make to get all of his confidence back and I felt after that he looked comfortable yeah that that’s exactly what it is you need one of those saves where it’s a it’s a goal that maybe goes in if you don’t make a great save and then you feel good about yourself especially after like the first period what I said he gets limited shots and there was the one power play When the Canucks had the pck andol if you remember they’re passing around nicely and if you ISO cam Skinner he goes from he pushes from side from his right side to his left Falls and then the Canucks don’t even try to shoot the puck then he gets up then he tries to get to the other side then it comes to JT Miller and he passes it through the goalie and goes back door and almost bad skate sharpening you remember that sequence yeah bad skarp looked like his blade fell out of his skate right and he was just on the uh plastic on the roller blades so when that happens Biz you know better than anyone you must not feel confident he must not have the so when you get a save the other way hey you’re feeling good about yourself oh yeah the oh [ __ ] those guys would be licking their chops when they saw me back pedaling oh oh B legs there he goes back to Old W onetime over here had a couple of those a couple of those on ESPN I was panicked I was panicked uh game six getting that uh five on three chance to put him away they don’t then all of a sudden they take a too many men on the ice while they’re killing van has a five on three usually you don’t score on a five on three the saying is you don’t deserve to win right after they were able to kill Vancouver I was like oh thank God it was even but bad power plays on both sides of those five on threes for both teams yeah I think for sure like five on threes I always feel like when you have a lot of time you’re passive right like I I always thought like the best five on threes that I saw and I was a part of you’re like Attack Mode right away you’re like shot recovery shot recovery sh rather than trying to set up the perfect opportunity and if it doesn’t work and then they clear it you’ve just wasted 40 40 seconds and you’ve gotten nothing out of it so like guilty both both power plays guilty and you’re right with like it’s such a critical advantage of a game where you can really influence the game and I remember like we were playing San Jose the one year in the third round and it was an afternoon game game and there was a couple really weak calls and we got three five on threes in the first period we scored on every single one and it was it was like The Interchange like Daniel sine down to his brother and he would go through and Sammy Sal would come over the top on his onetime and just absolutely 120 M hour pound it he pounded two for goals and then the third one he one touched the C for a one-time and boom three five on three goals and that was essentially the series so it can be such a turning point but when it doesn’t work usually from my experience it’s because you’re too posive all right before we go any further here’s a few words from my friends over at DraftKings we are this close to crowning the Stanley Cup champion and with the action heating up on the ice it’s even hotter at draftking Sportsbook an official sports betting partner of the NHL there’s only so many games left and draftking Sportsbook has you covered with same game p live betting odds boost and so much more don’t miss out or you’ll have to wait until next NHL season to place your bets and it’s super easy for first timers to get started try bet on something simple like picking a team to win you go to the draftking Sportsbook app select your squad and place your first bet it’s that simple taking a look right now Florida man I can’t believe they are minus 150 in that series over the ranges wow I was if I actually like the ranges I might consider that then you got a big game tonight what do we got Edmonton Big favorite over Vancouver I don’t know lots of action out there but if you’re new to DraftKings listen up new customers can get a no sweat bet up to 1,500 bucks just deposit at least five bucks and you’ll get a bonus bet back equal to your first bet if it doesn’t hit download the graph King Sportsbook app now and use code chicklets that’s code chicklets for new customers to get a no sweat bet up to 15500 bucks if your first bet doesn’t hit only on DraftKings the crown is yours uh some horrible news just broke about what two hours ago that Brock besser may not play it might be confirmed that he’s not due to a blood clot uh horrible right this guy’s been so clutch for them he’s had a few games where he just takes over uh he’s a game changer who needs to step up and do you think that they move py to where he was and obviously py that’s got to be his game tomorrow well yeah on home ice because they control the last change I think they’re probably gonna put lindol back with Garland and dakot to Joshua and now they have a line they can trust against Connor other than JT Miller’s line so you kind of have to have two lines just in case you miss the matchup so they’ll have two lines right there and I don’t know Biz it’s a good question it depends on how they’re feeling about Patterson’s game at Center like they kind of need him to carry a line at Center and then you plug in you know who they should plug in is mck up the guy that they’re paying all this money to to be he just he just moves fast out there and he just doesn’t I watched him with the Leafs and it looks really good it’s like all the tools no toolbox I agree with you I love his if he could be a four Che hound and then get the puck to py no problem but Whit are you on are you on my program here where I feel like he just doesn’t do anything with the time he’s out there like nothing ever happens yeah he’s kind of like um a little similar to uh who’s the jack swed on the Islanders who skates around really fast that was angal angal angal they’re like kind of similar together mck’s a little bit more uh skilled but I don’t see why you wouldn’t put Garland up on that first line where besser was and then you could have laferty play on that line with um could cuz he lafer is strong enough and a good enough skater to be on that third line and Garland’s been one of their best players be ex to hop in here that’s one of the best attributes I feel like the Canucks have had and also coaching as well is if guy’s not playing well like lafy hasn’t been playing right he’s out of the lineup it’s next man up where I felt the one game they didn’t feel hoglander game were whereare where as what should be so he was out as a healthy scratch next man up so I feel like they’re deep and and that’s able to keep the guys accountable but as we kind of keep throwing around here who do you trust to put in what positions we on the lines I actually like I really like what you just said there w i I didn’t think about that because you got to think like besser besser’s solid defensively but his attribute his biggest skill is that he’s he’s a natural scorer and he’s got really good touch and offensive instincts you got to give because JT Miller’s job’s not just to shut down honor it’s it’s also to provide some offense so you got to give him a right winger who can make plays and hold on to the puck and I agree Garland’s been one of their best forwards and uh because P Pew Suter is not really he’s the third you know he’s the third strongest guy on that line no matter who’s on that line he’s not going to be like an offensive guy he’s just a really solid third guy that goes with the top two so I I kind of think yeah lafy although he hasn’t his numbers don’t show anything he’s still a good player and you think he could be able to check in a big game like that he was a bulldog All Season double that’s not a bad idea I might steal that way for tomorrow night all right steal it hey juice um on Edmonton side uh pretty ballsy maybe not ballsy but a gutsy decision by noblock he takes Perry out of the lineup who he’s older he’s been trying his best but it just kind of wasn’t working and he puts Carrick in and I think a lot of Oilers fans are like you trade for this guy I don’t know why he does it play made a great impact I think seven of 12 on the draws he’s physical did you ever play with him in Anaheim did you did you know him at all yeah yeah I know Sammy I played with him uh a little bit not much but like up and down training camps for three years so know him very well what I know about him is he’s a great teammate everybody likes him low maintenance and just like a tough kid like he’s he’s a tough guy in the new day NHL but back in when we played he would be a a middleweight for sure he’s not a big guy he just plays way bigger than he is like yeah you guys would love his game I sure you love his game now um so when they picked him up I really like that and he’s a good teammate where if he’s not playing he’s not the guy in the dressing room complaining and pulling a you know what like we all know guys like that the teammates that when they weren’t playing was all about that no there’s other guys too that we tell you afterwards that we all mutually know but uh he’s he’s he’s a good teammate and he’s great for big games because he’ll do the little things he’ll block shots he’ll hit he’ll win face offs that’s that’s what you need out of your fourth line centerman he’ll penalty kill so Perry coming out’s interesting because I think you really have to think about putting him back in the lineup for game seven and and maybe you take out Connor Brown who’s been okay for them I know but I really think the experience and having him in the room on the bench on the second unit power play like the reason for me an ISO C Parry a lot out there because I’m like watching him you know he’s my friend and everything he’s the worm he hasn’t been getting the puck in favorable situations he’s not good off the rush he’s good down low and if you watch him in games he’s always pointing at the guy like put it down low put it down low so then he can go get it and he can worm his way and weasel it to the net and make slippery plays he hasn’t been getting the puck ack guys have been trying to make whole passes and that’s why him and Kane went after it the one time he’s yelling at Kane like and when you’re walking up the half wall instead of walking the seam and throwing a ho pass cycle it down low and let me do my thing like I’m a Hall of Famer let me do what I’m good at he hasn’t been getting that so that’s why he’s been invisible and actually game five in it it was the exact situation you’re talking about the worm got up behind the net and he somehow got between Hughes and the net and ended up like getting a good chance that was saved but it was it was interesting to see him come out my other question on the van side because you see them a lot you mentioned already Susi Meyers never thought they’d be this reliable and this hard to play against and in Myers’s case like the past few years wasn’t he bad wasn’t he kind of like getting ripped on by the fans there and stuff like he’s had a turnaround in his career I feel like I think they just simplified all those guys well I I never thought he was bad but he he’s like like Toronto T tends to run one defenseman out of the team Like Larry Murphy you know Luke Shen and vanc Vancouver’s always been the same way man like Keith Balor Lucas beza Vancouver’s G Branson who’s revived his career since leaving there Vancouver is hard on defenseman too and especially if you’re that kind of defenseman you’re a tough stay-at-home guy you make one or two bad passes a pizza here a pizza there and it really seems like it’s snowballs some of those media guys like some of those you know weasels at right start making fun of you a little bit and they think it’s cool so Myers has been a little bit of a victim of that but I I’ve played with Myers the World Championships he’s a good NHL defenseman man and especially when he stays within himself is he a power like he was rookie of the year is rookie year he was an offensive guy in Buffalo offensive second defense and play with morsey and Winnipeg at this point of his career he’s definitely a shutdown guy he’s not an offensive guy he’s an 18-minute a night shutdown guy and when he plays like that and he’s tough and he’s big and he’s mean and he’s another good teammate he’s at his most effective self and he’s been awesome for the playoffs for that kind of like uh trouba a little bit where like they started out early in their career and they put up points so I feel like it was like the expectation but deep down they’re more more effective in the roles that they’re in now like where they don’t have to be that guy and uh I was sticking with D I was going to ask about Quinn Hughes and you had an interesting take and I I loved it when you broke it down you almost convinced me where you thought maybe Quinn Hughes should have gotten serious consideration for the heart this year just based on his body of work and what he does and how he’s the engine that runs that team in Vancouver yeah I just think when when you’re talking about some of these individual Awards and I actually proposed this to Elliott I said why like who votes on these Awards like I know you had a vote this year Biz but I know a lot of I declined it I don’t even think I have the credentials to votee so I voted i v voted a couple years and then I was told I couldn’t vote anymore because I’m on a my agent’s website or something and they thought I was biased and I’m like okay that’s the most ridiculous them I go biased you’re corrupt well who everybody’s a biased to a certain extent you know what I mean a lot of the people that vote for these Awards work for teams and are writers and you guys know the writers do the writers watch the game or do they kind of watch it then they look at the statline after then they look at Twitter and they kind of formulate their opinion from everything so when I’m thinking about Hughes in the heart I’m thinking the heartt is the most valuable player you have a team in Vancouver who wasn’t supposed to make the playoffs they basically are leading their division the whole year long he’s a 24y old Captain taking over a team with a new head coach a new culture had turmoil the year before the whole Bruce proo thing there’s just so many things going on and he leads your team with 91 points and just consistently is your best player night in night out like is that not the most valuable player like you’re not in the playf if he gets hurt for two months Vancouver is on the playoffs so wh you tell me if you think this is good what I proposed is in the future why don’t you have a committee of 20 to 25 retired NHL players alumni from spread out across the board from different teams living in different cities and you make a commitment to these 20 guys and you say your job at the beginning of the year is to vote for vzna Norris hard trophy all these like award sky and you have to watch as many games as you can and take pride in this and now you have players that know the game that are watching it for the right like I don’t want to get into this that’s why I declined it that’s why I declined it like I watch a decent amount of hockey and I still don’t felt I watched enough hockey to have a true opinion but but like you you watched probably a lot of Quinn Hughes and saw what he did game over game the entire year another point you brought up too is the fact of how important winning their division was and obviously now going to game seven against the Oilers like he helped them win the division as well and that’s why you added more points on top of what he’s done rather than COV and Biz we talked about the hard in COV CRA had an amazing year he’s he’s nasty out there he’s dirty but his team barely made the playoffs that that has to factor in a little bit for me if they were a team that was supposed to finish dead last it was the San Jose Sharks and he helped them Elevate them to the e seed hey MVP but when you’re like the Tampa Bay Lightning one of the best teams in the league you squeak into the playoffs barely yeah you have a lot of points for me that’s not the most valuable player it’s it’s consideration that’s top three top five but it’s not the most valuable to me but that’s my opinion what do you think of him so far in playoffs that’s that’s I was just my followup on Quinn Hughes yeah he he’s been quiet I’m GNA do a thing tomorrow like one of the best things about him is how good he is on the offensive blue line and how he’s able to beat guys like it’s a mismatch if you’re that Winger coming out to him you’re so scared I haven’t seen him beat one guy on the offensive blue line and I haven’t seen him create one chance from doing that I’d really like to see that in game seven yeah no goals yet through 12 games which is shocking um thinking thinking you know what you saw regular season but having played on a on a bunch of really good teams in Van like you said not many expectations going into this season game seven tomorrow 6 o’clock start out there is that whole city from noon on all the bars buzzing everyone ready to go or what yeah well what do you mean in vancou I’m in toron right now no no I just mean like the city after you playing there like how alive is that place going to be tomorrow or today when I played when I played with and we had all of our runs people weren’t selling out Rogers Arena when we were on the road and and these guys are selling out the arena when they’re playing in Edmonton and and even going back to the Nashville series they’re in Nashville and the whole rink is sold out the whole downtown is packed so the city has just been waiting for this for so long it’s one of the best cities when it’s playoff time all the bars and restaurants are bumping when we made our runs the streets after games there was 100,000 people in the streets like in the first second third round after the game we would leave the rink and we would drive back to our hotels and our apartments and there honestly it would take me 45 minutes to go like five miles because there’s people just walking everywhere partying everyone’s got Canuck jerseys it’s really one of the most passionate fan bases and you see it on both ends like they’re not afraid to attack you they’ll stick up for their players team well they actually I don’t I just want to make it clear apparently I’ve been told that they’re selling out um Roger Rogers for the Oilers as well when they’re on the road I I haven’t seen any images of that but it’s Vancouver has gotten a little bit more Play It’s just so sick two Canadian the last two Canadian teams left a game seven the only one of the second round it was it was meant to be it’s going to be amazing Theater tonight I can’t wait I I think as Canadians like Biz like we want to see a Canadian team win and just being in the in the fight I don’t care what Canadian team it is but it’s just so nice that we had two playing in this round were guaranteed one in the third uh third round and then who knows what happens like for the country we’ve been waiting for this for a long time you don’t understand what NRA you guys are spoiled you win the Cup every year our country needs this right now we need this big time uh what’s your prediction how do you think the game’s GNA play out I don’t know I’m not a big prediction guy I just I think home home ICE Advantage might factor in for the game seven for the canox that’s what I’ll say I ju one one last question here for I want to ask about zidor off I mean this guy I think was one the best pickups before the deadline well before the deadline what’s he meant to the team not only on the ice but off the ice as well so when he came in he do you remember he was a he was a big time wild card right he still was and some fans and some people didn’t really quite know how to take him oh this guy like he kind of runs out of position he kind of makes some weird plays and he’s takes some some bad penalties and I remember talking to somebody in the Canucks organization and just saying hey just wait like you need one wild card on your team especially on the back like maybe I’m biased right but you need one one wild card on the back end one guy who’s going to keep the other team honest right and just be a wild card knucklehead and then you you reel him in and you kind of direct him and you try to get him to stay out of the box and not throw pizzas up the middle but you’ll you’ll appreciate this one guy and has he not paid off he’s been God not only their best defenseman their most entertaining player like think about it from the fans perspective this guy’s been entertaining quote machine willing to fight anyone he must have the biggest head in the world the his neck is is about this thick in the back I went for looking man it’s a funny I shouldn’t tell the story but uh I went out for derner with him a few years ago when he was playing for Calgary and they were in Anaheim and I we I had some friends on the team so we all went out for dinner and uh he he’s so mouthy and chirpy like I love it right he’s so he’s running his mouth and one of the other guys on the table a teammate is a big tough guy and he’s just like like shut up and they almost went Toe to Toe they both stood up and they almost went toe to- toe over the table at have years right and I’m just sitting back like this and like this team’s awesome like I love this team that that’s theor man he’s a feisty guy I love giving you flashback to you and federov at the at the Earls that’s 20 years ago bz that’s a long time ago well that’s why you loved it that’s why you loved it so much you’re probably cranking oh yeah teammates fighting each other it’s like the St Louis run couple show HL guys is going at it uh buddy thank you so much for coming on and doing this obviously a conu legend and and no one knows more about this experience this is the biggest moment since the Boston game in Vancouver’s uh what last 10 15 years so this is huge it’s gonna be a it’ll be a huge game for for Canada the biggest game ratings wise was uh Boston Toronto game seven this year we had uh 5 million on average over 11 million total that’s like 30% of Canada I’m thinking that this game this game’s going to crush that so looking forward everybody from Canada tuning in and watching this game go great job on TV juice you’re crushing we appreciate you coming on man thanks boys thanks for having me [Music] ond all right before we go any further here’s a few words from my friends over at game time did you know that you can get tickets to Pearl Jam for about 200 bucks right now on game time to coming a Fenway September 15th September 17th I am all over this that’s right thanks to game time the official ticketing partner bosso Sports going to see one of the greatest bands ever in a couple months over at Fenway and you shouldn’t have to worry when you buy tickets to your next big event as well game time is the fast and easy way to buy tickets to all the sports music comedy and Theater events near you 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though so maybe thinking of um last thing before we move on to the Bruins and the Panthers is uh tomorrow morning we’re going to come back to you guys again we’re going to recap game seven uh after the game tonight and then we’ll be able to come back probably be a shorter episode where we recap game seven and then we preview the Western Conference Final with whoever wins against Dallas so chicklets backtack days Game notes Friday then we’ll be back to you next week so just wanted to remind everyone you get to listen to our goofy ass voices again tomorrow morning if you want on top of that you guys might actually get sick of us gee you we have a a live stream going on we’re actually going to do a watch for game seven so if you guys are around for game seven on your couches and you’re not at the game come join us especially you Edmonton fans you could see wit sweat it out and see if MC Jesus and dry Sidle can get the job done for him so come join us on the live stream all night and then as Whit said right after we’ll hit the record button and it should be a short pod but we want to keep up to date and on the pulse of everything going down we love you guys and it’s been a fun start the playoffs man coming at you guys three times a week with Game notes on Friday and uh we love you and again I know yans you always trips me with the thank yous thank you to all the hardworking guys behind the scenes chopping all this [ __ ] up so you guys can get it on time we love you fish we love you posha we love you G but [ __ ] you yans uh Biz piggyback on that I just want to thank everyone also for the the nice words and well wishes we got for the 500th episode last week I mean too many tweets and messages to write back to but thanks so much to everybody I mean you know we’ve I’ve got more messages I’ve been here since day one or episode one I’ve heard everyone and the idea that that someone will listen to to not only our voice but my voice voluntarily more than 500 times I mean thank you so much I don’t know how you do Terry Ryan how about the Terry Ryan uh poem that he that he gave to us incred a a special day a special episode so I just really quickly wanted to say thanks to everybody there we uh appreciate it very much and uh well for the second straight year the Florida Panthers knocked off the Boston Bruins uh this time via a round two game six 2-1 victory that sends the Panthers to the Eastern Conference Finals for the second year in a row where they’ll face the New York ranges starting Wednesday night 8:00 down Madison Square Garden they’ve only faced each other once in the playoffs back in I believe 97 Rangers won that four games to one we got to talk about this Gustav fing I think with he got the Winer the other night kind of a blind shot just threw it at the net Florida picked this guy up off on wave’s back on January 9th 2021 he get traded a couple times and this guy I mean he’s I mean a top caliber defenseman in the league with no at this point I mean what he’s been doing the playoffs he he’s an amazing skater he does amazing things with his legs that makes the game so easy to him because even when he’s out of position which doesn’t happen often he’s so good at skating and getting right back where he needs to be he’s always between his man the net and it seems like while being undersized his skating it doesn’t really affect him also like they have some big bigger guys on D so he doesn’t have to be over physical that’s not a type of player he is but jumping up into the rush you see him get so many chances had a goal early I think game two of this series The the leg drop one timer from the point that was a rocket and then that goal was a was a beauty I mean it didn’t look that great and maybe Swan said after he should have had it still he’s just getting it on net and look at how low down low he was he’s down low he’s beneath the faceof dock cuz he knows he can get right back I mean the best part about him is for the Florida Panthers is the deal they signed him to this season on the extension the number is like oh my God and that’s that’s that goes back to I I wish they could figure out these no state tax teams maybe getting a little bit lower of a cap or the the tax they got to even that out that’s a totally different argument but the Panthers are lucky enough to be in Florida a great place to play as they’ve become such a good team and now they got this guy locked up in a bargain with the minutes he plays he eats minutes he’s able to play against other teams top lines it’s just an awesome player and a crazy story because if you’re him and you’re getting put on waivers after Chicago and Carolina and you’re like I I don’t know where I’m going in my career and boom you find a coach who loves you you figure out your role and you’re able to just flourish so he’s been a phenomenal player for them so uh and and going back to the the press conference when they signed him to that extension like Bill zto I don’t know if it was a scout or was Bill Zito himself who was very persistent and adamant about when he went on waivers it’s like get this guy and then even when he started out in Florida I don’t think that he was getting the ice time that the management and people up top thought he deserved based on how good he is and you talked about some of his qualities as a player like I think if you look at every analytic from a defending standpoint so far in playoffs especially his defensive game five on five like he kills plays like better than any anybody going right now so five on five he’s just a machine and you can you know sick him against any team’s top dogs and obviously with what he did through the first two rounds it just proves that and you know Bill Zito got emotional at that press conference when he s him and he said man like this is a guy who persevered picked up off waivers every day in the gym like they they call him the Greek god off the ice right like he’s in the gym he’s like a maniac seems like they have quite a few guys in their lineup that are that dedicated like boski always gets talked about so just to see the the turnaround from going on waivers to putting up that type of production and being that guy who I think he led all skaters from the Panthers in that CL closeout game with close to 26 maybe over 26 minutes in ice so Bravo to him and and of course the Florida Panthers for locking him in and if mour is able to stick around as well and they get him under the cap that’s why man you need guys taking better deals and you mentioned state tax has something to do with it but nonetheless Bravo cuz I think on the open market as a free agent he’s probably Worth close to eight if not more yeah and and the Panthers just such a deep team I I will I will give the Bruins credit I I don’t think anyone saw them having this season going into the year after last year’s debacle and losing cree and Hall and and berzi and berson it was like I didn’t have any expectations for them and they go down and win a huge game five on the road to force a game six at home and they get out to a one- nothing lead there zaka finally gets his first playf goal so I know Bruins fans were disappointed but if I’m looking at the Bruins you got pasta locked up you got um McAvoy locked up you’re going to get Swan locked up you’re going to trade allmark and you got a ton of money and I know you build Stanley Cup winners through the draft and they haven’t had great draft success but they at least have doe it’s a city where people want to play and they they they had a ballsy effort this season they win a game seven against Toronto they forced six to a way better Florida team and so it wasn’t it wasn’t what Bruins fans were hoping for but it was way better than I think most people expected going into the season for the Panthers barkov’s reached another level uh the the the selky award winner um the guy who’s able to on both sides of the ice dominate he’s so big and strong I thought he upped his level from game from the first series he got even better the Rangers I they haven’t played a player as good as barov yet no disrespect to anyone in Carolina I know gel’s hell of a player I know AO is awesome barov is a different Beast he’s so big and strong and he’s so good on the defensive side of the puck he’s not going to be giving up chances and I think that the the Panthers are just they’re they’ve they’ve basically gone from last year right into this year not really lost to beat and they’re healthy right now I know Bennett’s battled an injury and he missed time he doesn’t look injured out there barkov looks great kach Chuck’s healthy right now even though he was a little reserved at the end of that Series so you wonder if he might be battling something most people are this time of year but the Panthers are going to be a tough out I think that’s going to be an incredible series no I agree with the giv the praise to Boston I think that you like ra are you pumped with the season that was based on consider consideration coming in with the losing the two top centers yeah absolutely it was it was gravy I mean you know you get in the playoffs you get excited you you want your team to advance but yeah stepping back it’s like hey man like a lot of people didn’t think they were going to be the playoffs they lost bur run they lost cree and I mean now we know Swan’s that guy I mean like the only reason they were in the series they were outshot an average of 12.2 shots per game versus Florida I mean they should have been blown out in three games the way the way they were getting dummied but Swan is the real deal team should be lining up to trade forar this summer too I mean five mil for a goalie who won the vzna last year and let’s I mean we we talked about how Boston doesn’t have great draft picks I thought one of the big storylines of this season was the emergence of young guys Mason laai what a draft pick he was Matt pess second round gold right there we think we don’t know yet but I think from Bruins fans we’re very very pleased with how this season went ton of money to spend this offseason go get Steven Stam Coast make a hockey trade for olark and we’re running this thing back oh yeah hey and another thing too is is a lot of those younger guys who are coming up are big and I think if there’s one thing we figured out in this league you got to be big to win and it’s kind of the passing of the guard and going back over to Florida couldn’t agree more and it’s why for many many years that barkov was was kind of known as like the what the best kept secret in the NHL and he should be getting those flowers all the time he was a [ __ ] beast up the middle of that entire series even down to the wire when he makes that block too like he is just his wings span he’s like a [ __ ] pterodactyl out there you can’t cover he covers the whole middle of the ice how about uh in that series five on five uh scoring chances when he’s on the ice 54 25 against so two to one you’re you’re getting scoring Chances with him on the ice for the Panthers um right now the Panthers are averaging nine more shots a game than than the other team against Tampa and Boston so this it’s definitely the Rangers hardest series um they they had a cakewalk in the first round and now they’re dealing with with a monster who’s got a goalie I think it’s going to be great I think actually shur get a better goalie but it’s just the depth that Florida has they can insert guys on that fourth line you saw a couple guys come out that were playing great then they throw in the Lamborghini and it’s just it’s going to be a lot hard physically I I think Carolina’s a puck control team but they’re not looking to take your head off and I think that should kind of lead into maron’s quotes because we haven’t talked as a group since he came out with the the press conference where he talked about it’s it’s it’s not said it’s not popular and the truth of the matter is that you’re trying to injure guys in the playoffs and we’ve kind of talked about this and there’s been blowback where people can’t believe it but Biz and Ian some guy some guys do I don’t think you’re you’re h hitting guys out there in playoffs to hurt guys I think guys know but I think I think if you’re you’re get slash on the wrist you’re like I don’t care if I break his wrist correct correct but certain guys are going out there with a mentality where they’re hitting to hurt other guys main focus isn’t that where they’re like yeah I’d like to you know create some momentum here and knock the guy off the puck you know I don’t think kale Mar is going out there saying I’m going to [ __ ] you know line up Jamie Ben here and try to put him out of the series I think he’s probably trying avoid those trolley tracks to be quite honest yeah but you know what he meant like no no% it’s a violent violent mean game and the more violent and the meaner you are in the playoffs the better you are it’s kind of crazy cuz there’s it there’s not many sports like that I guess football’s definitely like that but with the rule changes in football I mean it’s really hard to to throw some of these hits now that used to be so common in the game and hockey Chang as well but you get to this second season you get to to the end of April May and into June and you see vicious vicious attacks on players that is just part of the part of the game Florida’s moving on Bennett’s not suspended he’s going to do something against the Rangers and nobody will be surprised and the Panthers could move on in that series I actually am going to pick the Rangers to get that done team Destiny this year uh we can get get into that in a little bit but an amazing effort by Florida and bosski wasn’t even that good I know he made some great saves but Swan outplayed him and I don’t think it’s the brovi of last year’s run where you saw him steal games for the Panthers I think his save percentage right now is below 900 or at least it was in that last series but his goals against is pretty good yeah eight and three uh 237 goals against 902 save percentage and wait I was saying it to Yandle the other day it seems like as the game gets later he gets better like his his save percentages are good but he’s been making all the major saves he’s need to make in the third period like huge save so I’m almost like you you I’m a big save percentage guy but you can almost throw it out when it comes to Bob what do you got busy look looking ahead if you were looking at that Rangers um Panthers matchup I would have said you know on the back end I would have gave the slight Edge to maybe uh Rangers because of fox but [ __ ] the way that Montour it’s like he’s last year’s Montour again because he came back injured to begin the season didn’t really have the offensive numbers but in that last round you saw him join the rush way more way more involved that shot came back where he looks [ __ ] poised to have a big round against them and he talks a lot of [ __ ] out there too oh he’s goty he’s yappy he that’s part of his game him and forcing are very similar in that they can jump up to the play and they’re so fast they can get back forsling I would say is a little bit more responsible in his own end and then mour on his side is just me maybe a little meaner a little more co*cky a little mouthier so they complement each other well I know they don’t don’t play together but um you did say say about Fox though interesting enough Fox averaged 24 minutes a game this season I think 2357 only twice in the Carolina series did he get over 23 minutes if you remember that kneeon knee hit he took from Jensen in the Washington series he had a couple maintenance days where he didn’t skate in the Carolina series on the off days so I don’t know if Adam Fox is at 100% right now but we can get into that series I mean I don’t really have anything I think it goes back to the season though where he injured that same knee right that was a collision that he had with a same one it was same side same same same side I think it was his left knee and it was it kind of opened up it looked like maybe it was MCL so that was a a pretty nasty one he had in the regular season I want to say it was Sebastian AO where he missed I want to say he missed eight to 12 games maybe even more so uh something to look for moving forward and I agree with you he doesn’t look like himself out there so Advantage uh advantage to Florida in that department R yeah I I was disappointed that last two years at home B Bruins a three and eight at home in the last two playoffs I mean that that’s that’s just bad uh the cats went 3 and0 in Boston this year they’ve won six straight at TD gu going back to game two last year and I guess there was a fire alarm I don’t know if someone pulled it when they were having that pregame nap the other day at the hotel listen if a fan right where were you buddy listen you know all right where were you buddy well he didn’t pull the fire he was smoking a joint and the smoke actually sent off the fire alarm did I do that no listen don’t pull [ __ ] fire alarms like you know I’ve been saying for since this show started my my old man retired fireman don’t do that [ __ ] it’s like [ __ ] you got to send guys out on a [ __ ] on a rushing out in a trip they get hurt don’t pull [ __ ] fire larmes anytime especially hotels during the playoffs it’s a donkey move so crack the whip R I agree with you buddy I don’t know if I don’t know if that’s what happened Paul I don’t know if it was a hotel situation but don’t do where were don’t do that [ __ ] where were you g i uh I actually cleared out my entire dorm my uh sophom*ore year at College because I uh I broke in and and pulled the fire alarm and I tried to light my made up with a fire extinguisher and uh yeah it start it cleared out the whole dorm at like 3:00 a.m. everyone was pretty pissed at me what think yeah no no didn’t get kicked out they actually no one the school never found out it was me I you went to Plymouth State they’ll give you like a degree for that yeah they’ll give you a line of blow for that oh is it heavy cocaine use school oh tons of drugs at Plymouth big big drug school did you go there for a semester I went to North Adam State uh School and uh no I didn’t I don’t eat drugs e up school with weed and mushrooms up North Adams for real all right hand on the Bible all right before we go any further here’s some words from our friends over at Sport Clips hey guys your hair May grow fast but after going to Sport Clips haircuts You’ll wish it grew even faster that’s because Sport Clips has the best seats in hair and that may or may not be because they happen to be right in front of TVs playing sports all day every day we know watch in sports while getting a haircut sure beats watching your reflection getting a haircut I can vouch for that myself which is why at Sport Clips every day is Clippers and curveballs high tops and hail marries and even waves in wickets you know if you’re into that kind of thing at Sport Clips you can check in with the pros and men’s here and totally check out with pure uninterrupted relaxation so yeah come watch an endless stream of sports on TV while getting an awesome haircut and folks you know whether you’re getting a feather a little fade or just fashion Baldi like myself you can’t beat it Sport Clips nice and relaxing great price you can’t beat it Sport Clips it’s a game changer uh actually Biz I got one more question for you the Bruins they set a record seven [ __ ] penalties for too many men on the ice they only played two rounds how does this happen like so much and so frequently and why the [ __ ] does it happen so Merl’s already covered it and got ahead of it I think he tweeted out cuz people were trying to blame Monty for it now I have played for coaches who sometimes are a little bit oblivious and not on the ball and they get caught watching the play and then they don’t call out the next lines and then it maybe creates a little bit of confusion I don’t see Mania is that guy I think Merles knows him even better and he definitely doesn’t think he’s that guy I would say 90% of the time onus is on the players where I said it remember when I talked about getting my sussy I made eye contact with the guy with with Max doy and then all of a sudden something changed where he altered his route but considering he was coming his his skates were facing the bench and I made eye contact with him I hopped and didn’t look behind me sometimes that type of [ __ ] happens sometimes a line was changed where he calls out the three guys and the guy who thought he was still on the original line jumps over that creates the confusion so I think this is on the players and obviously a string of bad luck because when you think about preparation and how well dialed the Bruins are from like structure special teams usually maybe not the power play this playoffs seven is is a if they went to the Stanley Cup finals brutal brutal seven [ __ ] times Seven’s a lot for 82 in the regular season lot for team it’s a lot for peee team what we talking five times and he’s still alive they had four or five in the first round last year somebody they did five last year and and obviously an older guy like me it’s it’s just like triggering because of 1979 too many in the ice it goes back to that all the time old I wonder if you watch all the tape who was the most that did it like like imagine like I’m just throwing the name out there like imagine de brusk had five of them had two L had two in the playoffs he he did fail his driver test like four times it could be spidey’s fault so not to throw any were the clips um I don’t know if they were showing him on the Canadian broadcast for all you people listening up North but on the on what you guys had that game right B TNT or was that ESPN yeah uh TNT had game they showed Lou de brusa bunch and God he’s like he’s a great broadcaster for all the Oilers games and Sports Net but he’s just watching it as a dad and a fan he’s so into it you could tell the stresses he was dealing with and I thought de Brusque had another solid playoff I’m very interested to see if they resign him what’s he going to want I would think they’d try to cuz even though sometimes in the regular season people are left wanting more at least this year last year he was great playoff time he comes to play dude yeah he does he’s he’s he’s a perfect playoff type player he can skate gets in on the four check could score so think that they’d make him an offer at least that play he made Z zaka the no look backhand right on his tape he just gunned it to his own barov wasn’t expecting it he wasn’t thinking he could even get it to him the craziest part was zaka was last guy back in support of wspoon if that’s how you say his name who went right up with it and then next thing you know zaka is on the Breakaway you’re like what the [ __ ] just happened there um on brush real quick over the last three postseasons he has 11 goals 10 assists 21 points and 27 games that’s a seven uh7 eight points per game that’s tied with artmi panan and Elias lolm for for top 30 in the league SS M David numbers against the coyotes during the talk era um but hey uh I think considering we’re wrapping up this Boston Florida series we got to hop over to that Carolina uh fugazi depending on which game it is uh the range is just an absolutely insane game six comeback thanks to a third period Natty hadti from Chris CR they beat Carolina 5-3 Advan to the east the Conference Final for the second time in three seasons kees will looked like it was going to be a game seven there Biz had a 3-1 lead headed into the third goals from NES Javis and AO then CED him in absolutely turned it on but a key part of this the penalty on Jordan Stall I know you thought it was jiny a lot of people thought it was giny but it’s also P [ __ ] you P you uh before we get to that wit uh before we started recording posted uh an old that was it a Tik Tok or a Vine it was a Vine a Vine remember Vine I reti um oh I quit I quit in Sweden two games in in so September 2014 so then naturally it’s no maybe I was still playing that I don’t even remember it was 10 years ago I made a Vine it doesn’t even exist anymore it’s maybe the dumbest worst offside I’ve ever seen an NHL player make there’s never been a bigger offside it’s go the goat of offsides Adam Oats wanted to [ __ ] punch himself in the face when he saw this I remember they were playing the Islanders and I’m watching I was like yeah and I was into Vine then and um and look at where this guy’s come now he going to get his jersey in the stance oh he’s getting his jersey retired most goals in the history of the New York Rangers in the playoffs he’s been there I think this is his 13th season if not his 12th the guy is a horse in front of the net you know what was great about that the one of the goals in the hatrick I believe it was the third one the tip no the passed by lingren dude oh my God lingren Wheels the net he looked like a forward and he just the crease and kryder was he was kind of speechless in the postgame interview with um Jody Shell’s like I don’t know what to say that’s I go to the paint that’s where I do my work and that guy is a master in there the paner and shoty tips that one and that’s a beauty the first one you got to think that’s a weak buddy they had nothing they had nothing I know the Rangers were dead to wrs and I said in the group chat I think it was the first game I said it’s going to be special teams and goal tending is going to be the demise of the Carolina Hurricanes like he’d already let in that bad one on that side to lafer they had the [ __ ] game we were going to seven I was so [ __ ] angry in the back when he let that in cuz I knew it was going to end and it was going to end in regulation and then Crider that face and then the energy out of the building and I’m like oh my God and the fact that it was krider to get all three [ __ ] goals in a row that [ __ ] tip from the Aon shot that penalty on Jordan Stall though along with the goal was [ __ ] dude that like I don’t cell it was a cell call them both I was going to say I don’t want to call Zaba Jette a diver but he he jumped into the boards the fact that they didn’t at least even them up is a [ __ ] joke that is a classic case of a referee getting the way of a game [ __ ] the the they’d already gotten one like that in the overtime I think it was of game what game one you like that call I didn’t like that one okay I did I did because it was an open Play he actually got him in the hip and to throw him off and he was in more of a threatening area the fact that you’re going in for a wall battle and boys like it was less of a cross check than what Shay had put on on tro it was a push it it was a little push and and the look on stalls face and I don’t think he complained or said boohoo he just sad he was just sad he was on the bench and he was like they’re going to score they’re going to score here and then on the bench after they did like at the end of the game when they got the empty net they went right back to him he was still like this so I like I don’t know I just feel so bad for Rod the bod and that team because like they go out and make those two huge deadline moves and like I would have I just wanted to see go to seven games they were the better team five on five and I’m not taking anything away from shurkin performance I’m not taking any way anything away from the Rangers and how are they able to capitalize at the right times um you know their power play was excellent it was great when it had to be again tying it up with that that shot by Panera and krider but just a a complete fumble job by the Carolina Hurricanes at home to four seven games and uh it came down to special teams and goal tending I but but what what was amazing too was was tro gets him back in that game dude it’s two nothing Carolina’s controlling everything we’re going back to Madison Square guard for game seven and tro gets that goal but AO comes back all right 3-1 we’re good we got the we got the two goal lead back we’re going to the third at home and this Rangers team and when I say team of Destiny everything’s falling into place everything’s happening seven excuse me 7 and0 to start the playoffs in 94 same as this year a natural hat trick on the road in game six yes it was the Conference Final against the Devils when Mark Messier did it but the second round Chris Cryder does it all these things are happening you got the best goalie left in the playoffs Mike RoR was the best goalie in the playoffs in 94 it’s just there’s a crazy crazy around New York City and and I I Rangers fans will tell you game seven they would have not had a ton of confidence if if a team even forces game six when you’re up 3 0 you’re panicking if they get to Seven you’re like we’re not winning we can’t win this game we’re done we’ve seen this the baseball team in this city do this they three to the socks and and they just Chris krider man he [ __ ] does it that tip was so sick crossbody I know we talk about pavelski a lot we can’t do that without mentioning cder in front of the net it was pretty cool too to see goodro get the empty net to make it 53 right in front of the bench too and that bench celebration was great a lot of respect between laviolet and and Rod the bod after and Shout Out Rod the bod got a fiveyear extension I read oh that’s what he got and all his assistants got extensions I don’t know if those were all five years I’m guessing not got the family fed the question for Carolina Hurricanes fans oh last thing crier awesome he did the interview with Jody shell he’s getting off the ice and there was a little kid sitting there he gave him his stick I mean that’s a pretty memorable STI it was a Carolina I know the mom had a Carolina did the kid have crying kid they put on the broadcast that’s what I was going to say just showing these hurricanes fans after the little kids crying they showed a couple College age kids they were just shaking their head cuz where do the Hurricanes go from here like how do they get over the the the the mountain here what do they do it’s this was their season they finally grabb deadline Acquisitions and something’s missing there and now they got a lot of questions dude they got a lot of guys that need to be signed gensel being the most important one then you talk about peshi it’s just I don’t know what they going to doar yeah I mean they do got 27.3 million in cap space they can spend uh just to go back to C this this stat was crazy Biz and the last just the last three playoffs alone now he’s played in 10 separate playoffs he’s had 23 goals in 37 games the last three playoffs just these last three years alone would put him eighth all time on the Rangers playoff goal list just the last three years alone like remarkable 47 total in 117 playoff gam and they’re also the last uh Team of Destiny last president’s Trophy winner to advance to the Conference Finals since the LA Kings did it or was it the Blackhawks I I think it was the Blackhawks one of the cups they won so there’s some crazy things happening that and the lunar eclipse same year and they had an earthquake same year and those was a bothen this are you [ __ ] around stay off the no I’m not [ __ ] around dude this is crazy and that’s why I’m also picking them in the next round oh man no I picked them in five against Washington and then I picked them in six against Carolina these people think I flip-flop because a clip comes out saying that I I believe that Carolina could come back they believe that you flip-flop because you picked them to miss the playoffs I know but we’re past that the playoffs is a new season there’s the flipflop they they they’ played the full 82 games and I’m like you know what yes I am a clown in the regular season but I’m not in the playoffs I’m kind of like the brusk I just turn it on what did you think of H the leaving all the hats on his long I want my [ __ ] bag too [ __ ] I what my deal wait what did you see that that all his neighbors left a bunch of hats on his lawn ker CU saw him he was outside picking him up he had like headphones in he looked like a homeless guy too I he was dressing like a weirdo but who cares how you dress when you’re a New York Rangers Legend he’s got the Rob on with the hog hanging out going to get the newspaper what the hell is all these hats here the hell get off my lawn all right before we go any further here’s a few words from my friends at vur VOR is a tool you can use to plan and book travel experiences around the world the VOR app and website make it easy to explore 300,000 plus travel experiences so you can discover what’s out there no matter where you’re traveling or what you’re interested in folks you know we get the summer off here with the boys I cannot wait I’m think I’m G to go to Europe maybe I’ll Bounce Around the trains got to get a little map from girls I’m going to take advantage of VOR here because VOR can help you plan better travel experiences like I said over 300,000 experiences to choose from means you can plant something that everyone you’re traveling with will enjoy enjoy Real traveler reviews to get Insider information from people who’ve already been on the experiences you are considering and free cancellation helps you plan for the unexpected plus VOR offers 247 customer service so you know you’ll get support at any hour if things aren’t going as planned so download the VOR app now and use code VOR 10 for 10% off your first booking in the app find the perfect travel experiences for you do more with vur yeah the Rangers question mark going into the Conference Finals would be I was reading uh I think it was daily face off Frank Zer Val’s um website is who the 12th forward will be so they have all these different options because uh well they got brinsky played two games they got hedel he could go back in they got Ry I think against the there only one answer for the hyenas buddy Biz you’re forgetting Blake wheeler is now skating with the non- contct Jersey off 1200 games buddy he was playing on the top line a veteran is he a possibility to get I might be by myself here but I’m picking the rire State Building [ __ ] torpedo missile just like the trouba train at hyena pack you got to go you got to go with the rire state at MSG to open I would start him game one and say you guys want to come in here and try to bully us around with the hyena pack we got a TR bet train and a torpedo missile up front [ __ ] we’re at War [ __ ] yeah it should be unbelievable Eastern Conference Finals but that’s also why I’m not coaching like I said just the second time these two have uh played in the playoffs way back in 97 the Rangers beat them four games to one uh game one Wednesday night then they’ll be playing every other night uh the season series Florida was 2 and one uh Rangers were 1 2 and0 Florida with minus 150 I was kind of surprised when I saw that line a little uh bigger than much bigger than I thought Rangers fans love that already cuz I believe that was the same number the Hurricanes were going into that series oh okay the same as 94 same same line is going into the Conference finals against her opponent what else is going to happen was there a birth at Ms G that year or something like what what’s going to be next I’m not going to another prom I don’t care what you say cuz last time I went to prom the Rangers from the steing cup that was your 11th yeah you have to find a 26y old High School 74 was 94 yeah don’t want to make it any tougher on the Chiefs than it already is yeah no it was 94 cuz I call the principal first another thing too that really sucked about not at least pushing it uh pushing it not pushing it to seven games that martinook moment of him diving and saving that goal I it still will be autographed and put in many canes fans uh fan caves but could you have imagined if they would have came back in the series how iconic that photo that’s a photo that’s going to be put you know when you go up to the team press boxes yeah and they always have those iconic photos throughout like playoff runs of all the players like Ray Whitney when we went there had one you know you see like Arthur zerb got one was that the old goalie who used to like do his sewing on his own pads Arthur zerb was he there anyway yeah hurricanes um but that was such a a cool photo you saw the net cam image of it and martinook has meant so much to that team and being like a heart and soul guy kind of like his own forsling moment of when he got put on waivers anybody could have picked them up they said they didn’t do it because they didn’t want him there they just gotten a kind of jammed up but ultimately any team could have had that guy and picked him up off waivers and he was lucky enough to stay in the organization and he’s been unbelievable ever since had a career year offensively last year and did what he did this year in playoff with with so many moments along with that one that I feel like it just I felt like I was part of their [ __ ] cane fandom that game I felt bad uh for burns uh Brent burns after like just one of the cam reviews Tony D’Angelo went went over to him right after the handshake line you know running out of time to win a cup been in the league for what 20 years now if not 18 season Seasons it’s like oh you just that that’s the type of guy you’re like I I’d love to see Brent Burns win a Stanley Cup and just probably heartbreak it for him along with the rest of the team in Carolina who this year they talked after they they they believed they had the team that could do it but goal tending didn’t really didn’t really show up for them in the biggest moments and in Cup winners they always do it and it’s not to say he played poorly it was just that that one save it was it was the crier off to the side of the net you know what was the other what was the other bad one the laer one was bad but there was one other bad one too on top of that I’m I’m forgetting it I’m drawing a blank right now but there was oh the paner won game one that that ended up being the eventual game winner so there was four goals in that Series where you’re like ah and shurin man he wouldn’t let in that next goal and what what now it’s only one time in the last 32 tries that he’s let up more than three goals in a playoff game he’s kicking right now man so uh I think we’re pretty and and the the peshy injury I thought played a bit of a factor as well tough loss oh yeah no no doubt uh yeah that third period too B ego he stopped all 16 Carolina shots and you know Freddy gave up three goals on nine shots and that you know that was obviously a huge difference right there in the series so yeah just stking the real deal holy field there um moving right along here the Rangers defense though they’ve only scored two goals in the playoffs so far one from Miller one from TR whereas Florida’s defense is scored seven thus far let’s go to predictions Whit who do you like and how many so I like the Rangers in seven I think it’s going to be an incredible series I think home iice is really going to help them out in the end in the end boys I’m back um but I I I just think like the vibe with the Rangers I I think there’s something about that team and i’ I’ve picked against the Panthers so often in these last two years that I I’m the fool and Panthers fans love hearing it and I think it’s going to be an incredible back and forth series kind of like Edmonton van win one lose one win one lose one maybe maybe home team wins game five and six you go to seven and then with shurin that’s my biggest thing I think bosski is awesome and it’s a real tough matchup it’s not lopsided in any way the way it was with Anderson versus sturken but it’s just this Rangers team and I don’t see troch slowing down I think the way the Panthers play in your- face hockey troch has the ability to do that paner proved this year that playoff hockey doesn’t slow him down he gets in the mix I think he had a tough little goal where I believe he was only had two shots in games four and five um really went cold and then was able to pick it up in game six and the Rangers go a lot with how panan goes but he’s answered the Bell it’ll come down to if Florida can bully him that’s how they win that’s how they’ve won these last two years they bully teams they punch you in the face they out chance you and the Rangers have a goalie that can withstand to it and I think the team toughness on the Rangers can withstand it as well I I just think it’s going to be a classic series I want to see if Fox can fo is going to have to be good like I brought up is he battling an injury is that knee bugging him possibly but he’s going to have to play Big minutes and I know he really didn’t against Carolina but being up 3 0 he didn’t really have to he’s going to be an enormous part I know uh Keandre Miller was playing with the Braden is it Schneider and they broke that pairing up they broke him up one game so I don’t know what the pairings will be to start but Keandre Miller he can skate he can move the teams are so evenly matched but the Rangers it’s the year of the New York Rangers I think and posa’s year from hell will continue Rangers the year of the eclipse Biz I agree with a lot what you’re saying wh I think that home mice Advantage is going to play such a massive Factor um and in saying that I want to bring it back to game five at home against the canes when the Rangers fans have been spoiled to this season of becoming Presidents Trophy winners and then rattling off seven in a row to start playoffs and then they start booing their team the minute that they fall behind in a third period because they gave up a couple goals that is [ __ ] pathetic fandom you’re supposed to cheer them on regardless of what’s going on in the circ*mstances in a playoff series that they’re ahead in that was [ __ ] [ __ ] do you not agree oh th% and people like oh they their effort wasn’t good it’s like [ __ ] they hadn’t lost the game all playoffs like give them a little leeway here I mean you’re [ __ ] booing him for real [ __ ] out of here booing him booing them so I I expect that those fans those idiots will smarten up from this round because they are going to need those fans I think it’s going to go the distance in seven I think that full body and and from position to p position overall Florida is the better team on paper but it’s just coming back to that magic and the fact that they were able to do last round without Fox playing to the the capability in which he is he he’s going to have to play he’s going to have to match up against Montour CU we talked about how big of a gamer Montour is and now he’s bringing the [ __ ] offense he’s going to have to play like a dog like him he ain’t going to be mucking it up like Montour but he’s got to be making those plays every time that puck comes to him on the blue line especially the power play he’s got to be setting up those teammates and the high-end Talent is going to have to come play for the Rangers because when you look at the bottom six Florida’s got him there and you look at a guy like like lundell like he had he was [ __ ] buzzing last round man so they got the guy the big forwards the the the the hyena pack on the the fourth line and if those guys aren’t going they got other options as well they’re like Dallas they got five lines basically so um it’s going to be a hell of a series I think that if you could have handpicked this the matchup for the Eastern Conference Finals if you had no skin in the game you were wanting to see these two teams go at it along with if the players on the ice ain’t enough for you how about these coaches how about Paul Maurice he’s [ __ ] every press conference now it’s like he’s taking [ __ ] mushrooms it’s like he’s taking mushrooms like Michael bé before the allar game every [ __ ] postgame press conference now he’s doing 30 minutes of stand up for [ __ ] sakes whatever he’s making them double it so this dropping the F bombs too how how about um if and I don’t want this to happen but if van does go on to win tonight you got all the uh the division champs as the final four which would be kind of crazy in a leag with so much parody it’s like jez wonder that that probably but Florida and New York all year they’re the best two teams in the East so makes sense that they’re facing off to go to the Stanley Cup Final uh what else oh final thing eblad had a real tough start to that breu series and then he came he picked it up so if yeah if you have Montour forcing and ebad playing like he did at the end of that Series against the Bruins it’s going to be a it’s going to be a battle it’s going to be great hockey I can’t wait I’m just I’m not I’m not picking against the Rangers I I want this season Biz we didn’t get PR in the Cup finals I know I I said Rangers in seven unless I skipped out I said I was piging piggy back and basically everything that wit said and okay people think that I’m trolling and I’m I’m trying to reverse jinx it I had Rangers to win the first two rounds I predicted it perfectly other than one game I’m still riding with them as much as I hate their guts they are a team of Destiny Okay g what do you have for us buddy uh Florida wins games by bullying teams kind of like wit said I just don’t think Florida is going to be able to bully the Rangers between guys like trouba and R and Miller they got some big boys and selfishly I want I really want a cup here in New York City uh Stanley Cup here so so I don’t have to travel so I got Rangers in seven uh this team is Prov Jersey you’re a Bruins fan shocking to hear well I I think it be awesome to have a Stanley Cup here I think one I don’t want to travel right now with all all the [ __ ] storm I have going on in my personal life so I think just being able to pop over 15minute Uber instead of driving a JFK I kind of just am also partly getting on the Rangers good side because if it does end up there for the Stanley Cup finals we don’t have it with TNT so I’ll be going I just don’t want to get like shanked or punched out like that lightning fan a few years ago in the subway cuz there like the scum of the scum for Ranger fandom like look cowbell lady you think I run want to run into cowbell lady in the subway you’ll probably end up banging her going to say just worry about not getting an st video comes out it’s me and bang guy double team and cowbell lady just like what the [ __ ] is going on here these this year’s been crazy we got the all the division champs going head-to-head craziest regular season ever year of the eclipse now we got two on one no back Checker guys giving Biz directions in the bedroom what is happening in this league I’m buck naked I got his white Blazer on [ __ ] naked G Rangers in how many obviously yeah what do you got G Rangers in seven I got R seven all right uh I think the Russian goalies are pretty much a wash at this stage uh I think Florida’s got a little bit more gristle a lot more back alley street fight I am a little torn I got friends on both sides uh MD kachuck on one side Jimmy V on the other I hate being torn but I got fler in six I think I think they just they were there last year I think they know what it takes to get there they’re they’re hungry they’re going to be Punchy and uh yeah Panthers in six mark my words Florida’s going to get [ __ ] on calls in this series oh you you wait for it they’re going to get [ __ ] hosed especially at MSG that crowd can bully the officials and they bully their own players I’ll tell you guys who are not in the playoffs NHL players uh hockey related Revenue you want the you want the Rangers in the Cup finals you want the Rangers in and you want the ratings the ratings will be through the roof oh absolutely this interesting note too about the coaches Paul Maurice was fighted by Carolina on December 15th 2003 replaced by Peter laviolet 5 years later on December 3rd 2008 laviolet was fired by Carolina and replaced by Paul Maurice interesting uh little thing uh couple of former Carolina coaches but R hey boys couple clicks for ra bringing all these nuggets today you are on your [ __ ] aame right now buddy appreciate it appreciate it boys you’re like dryl no I know shop is attack boys anyone else have the hose dude I I know it’s [ __ ] why don’t you take you know you take a little break all we’ll keep it going here I but it’s been two hours and I’m 5 I’m deserve go pee go pee all let’s see your cornhole with the boxers on what he oh he’s got shorts he hid it now he hides it dude that guy wears like those old cloth HS oh yeah the old school ones you know the like boxers that were like they’d give you the worst wedgies I want them in eighth grade he still has them that’s why you get the worst skid marks in them and I bet you he’s got them too oh he’s for dude he hasn’t had a ghost wipe since 82 taking a [ __ ] he’s eating baby food just Everywhere by we pumped his tires cuz he’s crushing it with the stats today so he probably like I’m going go smoke a bowl right now these guys love come back ham marble mouth he’s like I look at the Dallas lost to Colorado he he doesn’t come back he just like ends up at a party like where did he where’d he go hey ra that’s a hard thing about ra the minute you pump his tire he goes off the deep end he thinks he deserves a s-day trip to Vegas it’s like why old coaches like sometimes coaches don’t like giving up compliments cuz they’re like then the guy’s not on his toes oh yeah just too Loosey Goosey uh was there anything else H hockey wise or even outside of hockey you wanted to talk about wh amazing um amazing uh PGA today Xander Schley who’s I think he’s the number two player in the world uh the world golf rankings are kind of [ __ ] up because the guys from Liv can’t get any rankings points but he’d been on the banging on the door of a major for a long time just held off uh Bryson D Shambo it actually birdied the final hole to win his first ever major at Valhalla um pretty sounds like an evil Place valhala sounds like a madeup name like Tiger Wood Tiger Woods won a PGA there Rory mroy won a PGA there his I think it was his last last one maybe and then Xander schafle 21 under just insane what these guys do these courses you if nowadays in golf if you don’t make the course which is weather weather dependent if you don’t make it firm and fast if the greens are soft it doesn’t matter if it’s 8,000 yards these guys will just they’ll eat it up Chuck and darts darts dambo who’s a very um he’s like a lightning rod people love him people hate him he came flying on the scene 20 under birded the final hole thought there might be a playoff but Xander sofle um fish just wrote Valhalla is a banquet hall in Odin’s Palace in Asgard the realm of the Gods where Viking warriors who die in battle go afterlife that’s such a holy sh F fish hop on here that’s turn what the [ __ ] was that fish has a picture of Valla in his bedroom I was just saying because like you were saying Val how is like a like a chaotic place I’m like it’s like the afterlife of the Vikings I think the Vikings did some bad things the Vikings were bad mamama jamas like I don’t know if people Vikings would be cancelled these days I’m not gonna defend the vik so would they would the Vikings be getting arrested going into Valhalla like Scotty Sheffer I’m not GNA lie with I’m not going to lie what considering like like he’s a I want to say a bible thumper like it’s a a bad thing like he’s very uh committed to his faith and like a very straight narrow guy when I woke up and saw that before all the [ __ ] storm had been cleared I thought that had another tigerwood Scandal written all over it like this guy was like running a sex ring and like all of it like he was on the Epstein list and [ __ ] I saw the I woke up and saw SC cocaine first I thought it was a joke and then I was like oh my God right away B like you I was like oh is he a sociopath it’s all been fake but he would he would have been the number one professional athlete I would guess to never be arrested like just a wild dude the guy the funniest thing is after he’s talking about in his press conference yeah I was in the jail style I started doing my pre-round stretching routine like just a crazy story kind of yeah I I just couldn’t believe it it sounded like the cop might have been a little bit of a Hardo like the cop but then also I think the cop was like holding on to his car and he kept driving he was dragging him so so the confusion was I think everybody knows the story by now unfortunately somebody was struck and killed by one of the shuttle buses so everyone was probably on edge and this cop obviously had no idea who he was and he’d gotten instruction from another cop and just a terrible [ __ ] storm but I I follow these like I don’t want to say no-name comedians but guys you know try to make it and I follow this one guy guy on Instagram I forget with the name of him but he did a skit of where there was a college kid who was show thrown in the clink for like drunk and disorderly waking up to Scotty Sheffer like doing his stretches in the in the jail cell and he just crushed it where he’s like yeah like you you black out you wake up jail and then Scotty je sitting right next to you doing his stretch routine his yoga breathing Scotty um I’m struggling with my wedges you got any tips he’s like just a crazy story though speaking of golf the Toronto Maple Leafs they hired their new coach Craig barui 32 coach in 32nd coach in in franchise history so uh Dallas fans and Colorado fans are probably losing their minds right now but yes considering you brought it up organically G let’s get into it quick um I I go back to talking about Keith first like I thought that Sheldon Keef did a tremendous job under the circ*mstances and um you know some people will say you know I think that the team maybe needed to move on and and try the route that they’re trying with Chief and I agree like I think that Chief is an answer and it is a a change of what they’ve seen the last couple years I think that if you pass the fan base they maybe would have even rather start uh tried another year under Keefe and maybe parted ways with Marner or tried to move on from a Personnel standpoint but nonetheless they get the new coach and I’m fired up a guy who’s won a Stanley Cup he was a a nail gun player he’s going to have the respect of the players as soon as he walks in that door and I assume all of them are like whatever you think it is we need to do in order to change our game or M mold ourselves or buy into to win a Stanley Cup tell us what it is Chief and that to me is you know walking in with that type of respect and I don’t know why you have that grin on your face G as I say this and I vouch for the guy that bringing in to bring us to the promised land did you see the clip did you see the clip that’s going viral amongst Leafs fans where it’s like Sheldon Keith before a game and he’s like guys like let’s go out there and have some fun is like let’s go out there and win a [ __ ] hockey game you [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s so granell can potty with loud luxury lat listen sorry that was they’re taking Chief’s game seven speech going in the locker room running on pure adrenaline and it was an incredible one it wasn’t long but it got right to the point and it makes me want to run through a brick wall everybody’s different everybody handles their pregame speeches and approaches different we ain’t going to hang Keith to the Cross because they have one clip of him saying hey enjoy the moment you know don’t get too nervous out there Mitchie I know it’s getting a little difficult and you if you only bail out of a few hits we’re not going to hold it against you too bad Shut the [ __ ] up okay but now that the fact that they got baru you guys are going to think I’m crazy rude awakening buddy or I want them to roll it back one more year with everybody you shake your head with hey hey if they give Marner a contract extension in the mid of this year or before the year starts I am giving back my Ambassador Blazer to uhand and Shanahan and I’m happy that he got to keep his job also because there were Rumblings that they were potentially going to move on from that that position he St on board let’s go baby run it back okay and he’s been very kind to us even though he doesn’t let his [ __ ] players come on our podcast he will let the other Ambassador will arnet but make Mitch Marner making 11 million bucks go have a contract here you’re not going to wave your no move Clause [ __ ] right Sky I want Mitchie Marner in in in a contract year chips on the table show me what the [ __ ] you got you don’t think that you deserve the scrutiny that you got this year based on your performance oh uh why aren’t other guys uh taking the heat all right let’s say we didn’t watch the [ __ ] game tape and we didn’t see you bailing out of hits and we didn’t see you have your moment in game SE uh seven against the bees Austin Matthews injured came back he had his moment when he moved it over to neander uh neander had the two goals in game six he got us there he also had his moment in game seven where was yours oh we don’t have the the the the right Personnel on D to move it up to us easy enough and therefore we might point the finger but also we’d be able to afford one of those guys if you weren’t [ __ ] making $1 million okay so let’s roll it back one more time with Mitchie Marner double M showtime baby and let’s go you got the new coach he’s going to mold him into what he is I don’t give a flying [ __ ] about your 100 points in regular season let’s go baby contract time let’s go let’s go earn that 11 million bucks on your next one buddy let’s go core 4 bring it back with bar this guy [ __ ] cartoon character me I am yes yes what what what else am I supposed to do you think Mitch marner’s going get a new coach and see what you can do to change the makeup of a team without just relying on the coach changing these people on his own what if what if barui is like yeah I I want to see changes would you change your mind you’re oh you’re saying of Chief is like I don’t want Marner yeah not necessarily even Marner if he’s just like we need to change something I just think that it’s hard just to go into a season and see what’s happening in all these playoff runs and get a new coach and be like we’re good cuz the players play and right but I I mean he so that’s why I said at the beginning he’s got no move Clause right so Mitch Marner because my from my understanding and this might be completely rumor boy this might be and some of you might be like we we don’t want to [ __ ] hear about the Leafs but you are going to hear about the Leafs that there was an opportunity before his no move Clause kicked in in the last remaining year of his deal or excuse me last July so it would have been with two full years left basically they had the opportunity to move them and there was an argument about moving them or not moving off them based on the giving these young talented players a little bit of patience let’s see if they can eventually figure it out it goes back to Petey all the way out in Vancouver as well I believe the sedine brothers didn’t really figure it out playoff wise till year about nine and 10 and faced a lot of scrutiny they didn’t hit the quote unquote panic button and they kept them and they figured it out so that’s why to that’s why to me I’m okay if he doesn’t want to move it something was done you have a new coach who’s probably going to be a lot harder than what Keith was on him he’s going to mold him into that he’s going to make his life a miserable hell if he doesn’t and then maybe you address it halfway through the year to the point where the relationship doesn’t work maybe he loves him I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what that is but you don’t have any control over it now because the decision to keep him past that was was made and now he he has the control he Marner might say based on the media coverage and how the the fans or majority of them feel about me get me the [ __ ] out of here get me on a Utah or get me over to somewhere where my skills and my talent is going to be appreciated at the money I’m making regardless of playoffs or whether that place even exists or not or there might be somebody who’s willing to to sign and trade we saw it with tree living before he’s the guy who kind of I think the first ever sign in TG was Matthew kachuck he was in the midst of that deal and he was on the you know on the other side of it was huberto so I’ve been long-winded about this but this is obviously a major component to what’s happening moving forward with the Toronto May Lees G hold hand it over to you yeah Frank selli said this week on The Daily Faceoff rundown that he believes there’s a 5% chance or less Mitch Mar is back with the lease next season so I think you go so so who knows what’s going to happen but if he moves on and they’re able to have that cap space I think with him gone and chief in a New Direction those are two important pieces uh that have been figured out that’s a lot of money they can spend on a def two three guys next year too to bring guys in if they get rid of that 10.9 if you spend it wisely absolutely so I was long-winded I appreciate you Dallas fans who deserve major props and also Colorado fans a little bit of of time to to spend on your teams excuse me for my Leafs banter no problem Biz uh he did sign a fouryear deal they didn’t disclose the uh dollar amount uh one other coaching note uh pen coach Mike suvin he’s going to be head coach of Team USA at the 2025 for Nations Faceoff attourney and also at the 2026 Olympics as well all right before we go any further here’s a few words from our friends at Verizon with Verizon’s fast reliable Network you can stream playoff games on the go or at home and keep up with all the action Verizon has you covered 24/7 whether you’re staying up late doing a little work like I tend to do staying up late watching the West Coast games whether it’s baseball hockey basketball whatever Verizon has you covered no matter what you’re watching whether it’s Hoops football baseball anything Sports who cares TV shows and right now it’s red hot deal days at Verizon the biggest deals of the season on phones tablets smart watches and more so you can catch the Stanley Cup Playoffs NBA playoffs whatever tickles your fancy whenever and wherever and it’s only until May 29th so head to basol to get it while it’s hot but we got to talk about the Dallas Stars they off the Colorado Avalanche in six game games are Biz at first you don’t succeed try try again looked like they won the game in the first overtime Mason Matman goal beat yogev but they said there was gender interference a lot of people didn’t didn’t agree with it it was brutal and I think people thought it was Poetic Justice in the second over time when uh duchaine ended it no controversy Dallas became the first team to reach the Conference Finals uh H did you see that clip I said with Mach match mm was skating around the net he kicked [ __ ] Nate Dog stick like right next to him just like a little out of my way [ __ ] I was like holy [ __ ] hadn’t seen that before but as for the the no goal explanation matchman he said he was told that D’s ass was over the line his feet were outside but his ass was over the line then he got pushed in and then he said think honestly they didn’t want to make it a deciding goal which you know I thought that was pretty candid comment with I don’t understand the the the OT goals are automatically reviewed so as a referee if you’re there why would you just right away I think Merles texted the group chat go Euro style put your hands in the air we’re going to watch it but do you have to do you have to make a signal whether you say no goal and or goal or just might have to because doesn’t if it’s if you can’t tell it ends up going with the call in the ice you know oh sure but I will say based on all the other ones we’ve seen this was by far the worst he barely touches his stick neither of his feet are even inside the crease and then the only contact to his body that’s made is after Mar pushes him in so it goes back to what Coupe was saying is like these goalies got to fight a little bit for their positioning where they they called the [ __ ] the when Heinen’s stick went down and interfered with bossk’s skate that to me was worse than what I saw right there and then that was allowed a goal so how the [ __ ] was that not allowed a goal I thought they completely missed it and this is kind of a storyline of the playoffs right now is the the inconsistency of these goal calls Whit would you not agree yeah and the problem is as fans and even players they don’t know and so I guess it creates somewhat of an excitement as they go to review because everyone watching this half the half the people say goal half the people say no goal and then you’re just waiting it’s just like waiting for the wizard of ozs you’re like what’s he going to decide no goal holy [ __ ] how is that one no goal um the main part how they fix it like how do they fix this giant issue I don’t know man that is a tough one because there’s so similar so many similar plays end up having different results on the goal call that you can’t even figure it out so anyone watching that’s new actually forget being new to the game none of us are new to the game and we’re all confused so it’s like I don’t I don’t know how you go about fixing it I really don’t I just hope all I do is hope that one of these goals doesn’t decide the Stanley Cup oh oh no it’s going to it’s going to especially if Dallas if Dallas is in the finals Biz the greatest regular season in hockey history does it end in Madness with a goalie interference goal or goal the Rangers beat the Dallas Stars in game seven of the Stanley Cup Final with a goal where a goal shouldn’t have counted but the Rangers get it because it’s just the year of the [ __ ] eclipse and all this other crazy [ __ ] and and then the Buffalo Sabers fans are then then happy for the Rangers somehow because they get their payback and I just want to quickly say I don’t think that the in situation with bosski is the same play but I’m saying is is that it felt like there was more contact initiated by Heinen on bosski Skate than there was based on duchaine on gorv that was him related like him just skating to get position and like moving his stick back like six inches isn’t that’s his space just as much as gorv and he can fight to go back to the other side so it was [ __ ] but like you guys said we don’t need spend much more time on it because they eventually scored and duchane I mean against his old team after the game had a lot of uh great words to say about Colorado and his time there I think when you bust out the heartbreaker S I think there might be a little bit of past emotion bit maybe a little bit in there well even the emotion of being bought out last year exact that’s such a slap in the face and you’re bought out and then Dallas brings you in and has was that his third series clinching goal r du Shane yeah I we he already got his praise we don’t AR’s done for the night we don’t more um I I I’m I’m not sure to be honest with you I’ll all right maybe I’m messing that up but my storyline of this series is the greatest home I Advantage team in the league doesn’t win a game at home so you’re like Colorado just thrived on playing in their building with the altitude and running the score up and never sto coming and the four check and the power power play and three games at home and they lose all three it was shocking I couldn’t believe that the odds of that happening were ridiculous it was there was no chance that Colorado didn’t get the job done at home and after you lose the first two games three and four okay you know we get a huge win on the road game five we’re going back home we’re forc and seven and they can’t get it done again it was just uh the nushin thing as sad of a story as it is that’s kind of the series in a nutshell call loses one of their big guns and just can’t recover even though they were able to get that one game five Victory and Dallas was too heavy too strong had too much going on and they just have production from every single line uh wait were you talking about this one uh Duane being the fourth player in franchise history to score the series clinching goal in a game that required multiple overtimes uh joing Brendon Mar I’m not I legit don’t sleep right now so I have no idea what I’m talking about back uh back to the goal tender in ference five out of the six goal tender interference instant replay calls uh this postseason have been upheld so only one of them has been overturned again no no one knows what it is it’s been I mean this ain’t new this is what 10 15 years we’ve been talking about this [ __ ] with it definitely since the show started for sure but uh how about this from uh Demitri philipovich Chris tan of we talked about him last week how how good of a pickup he was round one uh 46 minutes 34 seconds versus eel 5 on five star out good 30-0 Chris tan of round two 68 minutes 43 seconds versus McKinnon 5 on five staz out scored 3 to one with tner versus him and that’s just impressive as hell also want to tip the cap Pete Dore he earned his H 17th Series win uh he’s tied for second most among active coaches he Trails Coupe uh cp’s got 18 and also too we want to talk about that that really nice moment at the end of the handshake line when he went over with Zack bre and had you know a few extra special words from him I know he coached him uh one year back in Jersey a few years ago but just one of those nice moments you like to see during the playoffs you know how about how about how many Western Conference Finals the B’s been to in the last six years what like five five of the last six I think he’s been to three three different teams go to game seven you’re winning did you have a chance to listen to duch’s postgame interview no I didn’t oh Budd it was an altimer this guy put on an Academy Award performance as far as like you you threw him a softball he would talk for two minutes I think it was a 10 minute it felt like a podcast for [ __ ] sakes but he he hit it out of the park so if you didn’t get a chance to listen to that go check it out on social media I thought it just summarized the team perfectly and how he said as much as he wants to win it for himself like there’s plenty of older guys in that locker room he mentioned pavelski of course how about Jamie Ben in the game that he had that goal was sick he was flying through the middle there buddy him just I mean [ __ ] that went from the dzone Colorado gets a chance he kind of wind meals middle stat and it just beats him up ice and another guy too like you talked about how deep Dallas is and I think we’ve mentioned him every podcast since playoffs started uh uh the donov and that hustle that he made on that slash g he’s just working his bag off out there and he’s earning everything that he’s getting so it just feels like every forward for Dallas has had like a big moment and stepped up at a big time and I just mentioned Jamie Ben feel the same way about Tyler San uh you know he had a couple games here this series where he was huge for them so uh the the kid who stepped in on the back end where Dallas was playing majority 5D the whole series right and and that Nils lanquist was playing like three four minutes and that can eventually take a pretty big toll on you especially at the pace that Colorado plays with I forget the kid’s name is it uh um not pudlick come on Jesus Christ I had him he ended up lugging 16 minutes in that game six and I thought he played well filling in it was his first game that he’s played for the Dallas Stars three petravic in three months oh Pro pet yeah petravic stepped in he played 16 minutes in that game where you’re going in deep man like the fact that he was able to alleviate a little bit of stress off those other five guys who’ been carrying the load specifically tanev um and uh hinan holy [ __ ] boys man this guy I think on average played like 27 minutes a game throughout the course of the whole series he played 30 something in that last game obviously because it went in a double OT so I honestly to a man you could even say that he outperformed full body of work that series kale marar just based on the offense he provided how well he was defensively or at least they were neck and neck and he he’s showing the world right now that kind of like barkov put some [ __ ] respect on my name I’m a worldclass talent here and and I don’t get talked about enough and and it was uh it was a performance for the ages so if he can keep this thing going man he’s another guy lookout for the con Smite based on what he’s done so the hint the hints injury is a little scary I don’t know I don’t know if will be okay and ready to go but he’s such a cog for them so I mean we’re going to be covering plenty of Dallas um um when we drop tomorrow’s pod after we summarize the preview for uh for whether it’s Edmonton or Vancouver and I mean Dallas is a wagon we knew that coming in no surprise um for Colorado I mean the dog MVP type season um I I I liked middle stad I don’t know if if maybe he’s the answer at the second line position I think that he does maybe need to get a a little bit faster and he didn’t have that type of impact that codrey had but nonetheless I thought he played solid for them um but I don’t really know where Colorado goes from here I mean hopefully they get Landis goog back next year too I think that’ be a huge Edition he come back and still be the same player he was uh at least he’s skating so you know next season uh you know the way it looks now he’ll be able to play and and make an impact at least he’s on the ice so you see what happens there and I mean their D’s good I don’t I think they do have to figure out the goal tending um I don’t think yor was as bad as we made him sound at the beginning of that Winnipeg series but I don’t know if you’re going to win a stand the cup with them I don’t know if maybe they’re a team that looks to allmark if they’re trying to make a deal I don’t know what they would be willing to give up but their their team with McKinnon and Ronin and Ma they’re going to be in the mix for a long time so I don’t think it’s a panic by any means it just seemed like this year they they did have a team that could win it NuSkin the other question mark I think he’d be able to come back in November if if Gary bman lets him play again do The Avalanche trust him enough to even bring him in he’s got a long deal that’s a hard thing for a locker room with like backto back years to deal with that like they they they lost the next game because they lost him in Taves and like to come back from that emotionally the guy had nine [ __ ] goals too man like that’s yeah trust is such a big factor with like families and these teams are families and so it’s it’s really hard to think about if we bring him back does it happen again but then he’s so good so there’s different arguments on both sides and remember we’re we’re not being inconsiderate to to the to the human element of this obviously we want this guy to get better but yeah especially with like his not expensive cap hit and with what he can be as a player and provide to that team man it’s hard that’s going to be a hard decision that they have to make if they if they’re saying hey we we can’t risk the fact that we have this distraction and a guy let us down in this important time of the year uh a one again so you know fool me once fool me twice kind of thing so hopefully he gets the help he needs and and he comes back better and stronger yeah a fair amount the ufas obviously a few of these guys they brought in late uh cogliano drewan D ha karant trennan uh Jack Johnson Caleb Jones and Shawn Walker uh one major RFA they have Casey midd stat and they do have just under 16 million in cap space so you know I would expect them to be right back in the mix next year no doubt about that I like that Walker yeah yeah he’s I know he’s going to he’s going to make good though he can move and like you said Biz will know who uh wins the game tonight we’ll have the preview after that and a couple more notes a couple sad notes unfortunately uh on both sides of the Border here uh sports centers uh Darren duti officially known to all as Dutch up in Canada passed away just 57 years old Biza a cause was not given but he had battled prostate cancer a few years ago and I think the speculation that might have been what caused it but either way I wasn’t didn’t see this guy a bunch but every time I was in Canada Paul and I put splitzer on this guy just had that sort of swagger Jenny sequar or whatever it was he just like like this guy’s a funny bastard man he was just a a well-loved guy everybody like just spoke so highly of him AR a beloved Canadian um I believe when I went and worked TSN early days I only had the chance of of bumping into him like one maybe two times but all the messages you read on Twitter after his passing are exactly how I would describe him just full of energy full of love uh an incredible teammate and a joy to work with like one of those guys and and you read like know James duthy like you could go through the list of all these guys that he’s worked with where it made your job so much easier going in to work with a guy that enjoyable and that funny and that charismatic and and just an incredible human being so uh the Sports World lost a giant uh it’s been a very difficult time for for Canada with the sports thing with Bob Cole passing and and now uh Darren datian but um just uh you know my condolences to his family and and any of his friends that sent a message out on social media just talking about how of an incredible human that we we’ve lost uh way too early and um like you kind of mentioned R grew up listening to him and just made watching sport so much more fun especially with the highlights and uh kind of doing it his own amazing way um so I don’t think there’s enough words I could say on this podcast to to do him Justice and uh once again my condol this to his family and friends and all the people he touched throughout the years yeah there was one clip uh I I guess we can’t use it and uh he was he said it was Thanksgiving he was 12 years old and uh yeah he says oh I was going to like you know what is it C the turkey and his grandfather says oh you know what you’re doing he says you you do it like you treat touched a woman he’s like I’ve never been with a woman before he’s like well my grandfather come over he’s like Hands Like a Surgeon 12 kids and he’s a legend of his own mind the way he wor it was just like I wish we could play it cuz he does much better version of it than me no I got people you’re talking yeah I feel like guys like him and him in particular were at the Forefront of in sports broadcasting of making it fun for the for the viewer because there were so many years stale yeah where it was just that stale like like I’m coming to you live from outside the Coliseum but then they added humor and jokes and you know I I just thought duy was did an amazing job at that it seemed like he was like like a steuart Scott at the Forefront of I was just GNA say it’s kind of Canada’s version of steuart Scott and they just did it with so much passion and and kind of reinvented the wheel and uh and and so many incredible memories you you nailed it g with that comparison I think a lot of people when you were talking were like I know that’s that’s American’s version of steuart Scott or can’s version excuse me yeah so we extend that you know our deepest condolences to his family friends and co-workers of course and some sad news down uh State Side uh 1980 Team USA m m Wells passed away Friday at 66 years old no cause was given uh he was the last player added to the roster uh he was described as a friend to everyone uh simply a great man and the family asked for you know privacy at this time well during their sorrow but uh our condolences uh to his family friends and of course teammates of the 1980 Olympic team and an American heral mws uh We Salute You and again our condolences to everybody uh and we W off to finish on a sad note here I want to congratulate my Pal’s biz on the pwl Boston Team game one of the finals tonight they beat Minnesota 4 to3 up the street in low going to go to game two Tuesday so sh sh out Babs let’s go GS get the next one championship of Boston can you can you be a little bit more specific about that it’s Kelly babst correct Kelly babst maybe yep Kelly babip like what Babs is coaching in the pwhl what the [ __ ] p is like uh give me that phone over there that phone yeah hey the women’s league is gaining tons of steam guys along with the WNBA like it’s [ __ ] awesome to see that they’re getting the support and the and the salaries are starting to get to where these women deserve to be paid so it’s the return did you guys hear Amanda kessle is coming out of retirement she is officially declared for the pwl draft so she’s going to be in it next year that’s that’s huge that’s huge she’s a massive name she’s been working Pittsburgh Penguins for the past few years good for her so did did she retire oh so she like she didn’t like give CH child birth or nothing like that what kept her out the game no no no so she she retired and she actually has been working in the Pittsburgh Penguins front office she wanted I was there for a little bit yeah yeah so she hung him up and now she’s uh she’s coming back so that’ll be awesome for the game she’s Olympic gold medal winner she’s you know one of the biggest names out there oh that’s I mean that’s huge and that’s a another big boost for the league and the reason I said that is I think Natalie Spooner who led the regular season in scoring in the P pwl She was like nine months recovered from childbirth and then did that so that’s [ __ ] insane what these women are doing and uh stick tops for them man it’ be uh it’ be cool to see that keep growing and hit up new cities as well so good luck to the ladies and we’ll be we’ll be chiming in one last thing before we go guys we mentioned it at the beginning of the Pod Tuesday we’ll be dropping another episode on Tuesday we have the live stream Monday night for Vancouver and Edmonton and then Game notes will be coming to you on Friday so Monday Tuesday Friday for pods this a lot coming on And subscribe to the YouTube channel that’s where you can view us um um watching that game seven we’re going to have some fun we’ll have some pink Whitney celebrating style for uh what I think to be a big Canucks game s Victory let’s [ __ ] go buddy let’s go baby what a show another awesome one love you boys and uh we’ll see you guys uh tomorrow first star today with all those nuggets baby couple clicks appreciate it boys appreciate it giggity as you were

On Episode 501 of Spittin’ Chiclets, the guys are joined by Kevin Bieksa (00:17:16) to discuss the impending Edmonton Vancouver Game 7. Who will face off against Dallas in the Western conference finals? The guys recap the closing of the 2nd round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs and set the stage for the Eastern Conference Finals. As one of the most exciting seasons of hockey on and off the ice soon comes to a close, we offer our most sincere condolences to the family and friends of both legendary broadcaster Darren Dutchyshen, as well as 1980 Team USA member Mark Wells.

00:00:00 – INTRO
00:02:44 – EDM / VAN
00:17:16 – Kevin Bieksa
00:53:23 – FLA / BOS Recap
01:14:43 – NYR / CAR Recap
01:25:09 – NYR / FLA Preview
01:40:46 – Around the League
01:53:47 – AVS / STARS Recap

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  1. Let's go baby

  2. Panthers are winning it all

  3. Stars vs. Panthers for Stanley Cup final

  4. As of late Bizz has made a complete Jackwagon out of himself..I have never seen anyone look so out of place in hockey commentary! Bizz back to doing whatever it is you use to do cause you suck ass with some of your dumb ass comments

  5. 🫡

  6. The most boring podcast hosts

  7. I’ve currently got a +2100 Stars cup future and a +1800 Panthers cup future. May the best team win

  8. Panthers will never win a cup 😢

  9. Episode 501: A New Hope

  10. Carolina shoulda booed, maybe they wouldn’t be playing golf right now.

  11. Last president’s trophy team to make it to the conference was the 2015 Rangers

  12. Even if the Staal penalty on Mika was soft, I don’t think it was, Skeji had a delay of game penalty that was not called so if Staal’s hit was close, the refs corrected their mistake.

  13. LOVE Kevin B ❤

  14. Typical Biz…"RA let me throw it back to you", but first let me ask Whit everything about the Oil and get to all the headlines before you speak, you peasant. Ha

  15. Dylan Larkin should be considered for the hart lol

  16. No Canes or Rangers fan care about that call. The refs literally missed a delay of game penalty two minutes prior, crickets.

  17. I think with the "trying to injure" thing. There are two pieces. Sure, everyone is trying to hit as hard as possible. The target, or location, is what changes with the guys trying to hurt.

  18. Brent burns is dirtier than a politician

  19. Lol. Without kucherov Tampa misses playoffs… Stop with this. Quin Hughes bullsh*t.


  21. Let’s not forget the miss call on the puck being thrown out of the rink. Team of destiny boys. Buckle up

  22. The rangers hating spittin chickens.. and one pigeon.. biz

  23. RA can’t talk about the Rangers without making some excuse why they won or complaining about some penalty

  24. How about Schauffle?! Love it when they have that “can’t win the big one” label and they come through. What a story watching Tiger win at Torrey Pines as a kid…now winning the PGA yes! Tonight no Boeser that stinks. Not a fan of either but Vancouver takes it because they will get the lift from their crowd.

  25. I didn’t hear boos in Game 5 at msg .. how about Skej’s missed delayed penalty. Literally right before steals
    Penalty. Not to mention these refs f*cking STINK through out all series

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ROUND 2 RECAP + GAME 7 PREVIEW WITH KEVIN BIEKSA - Episode 501 - Raw Chili (2024)
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