TECHNICAL MEMO 1604M-2 - [PDF Document] (2024)

TECHNICAL MEMO 1604M-2 - [PDF Document] (1)

PO BOX 10668, BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA 98110 PHONE 206 855-9020 - [emailprotected]

TECHNICAL MEMO 1604M-2 DATE: July 12, 2016 TO: Ben Davis Snohomish County PUD No. 1 FROM: Margaret Berger, Principal Investigator RE: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington

Remote Pole Yard Project, Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington The attached short report form constitutes our final report for the above referenced project. No evidence of archaeological or historic sites was found in the project location. CRC’s background research and field investigations resulted in the identification and inventory of one ca. late 1930s or early 1940s barn on DAHP WISAARD and recommended not eligible for listing on historical registers. CRC understands this barn will be demolished according to project plans. Please contact our office should you have any questions about our findings and/or recommendations.

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CULTURAL RESOURCES REPORT COVER SHEET Author: Sonja Kassa Title of Report: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD

No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Yard Project, Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington

Date of Report: July 12, 2016 County(ies): Snohomish Section: 22 Township: 31 N Range: 05 E

Quad: Arlington West, WA (1981) Acres: 26.48

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CRC Technical Memorandum #1604M-2 Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Yard Project

Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 1

Management Summary This report describes the cultural resources assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 (Snohomish County PUD) Arlington Remote Pole Yard Project, Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington. Snohomish County PUD No. 1 requested a cultural resources assessment prior to ground disturbing activities associated with the development of a pole yard, microgrid and battery backup system, an office, data and energy control center, and a substation in stages beginning in 2016 with successive development through 2026. This assessment was developed to identify any previously recorded archaeological or historic sites in the project location and to evaluate the potential for the project to affect cultural resources. Background research and field investigations conducted by Cultural Resource Consultants, LLC (CRC) did not result in the identification of any previously unrecorded historic or precontact archaeological sites. A late 1930s or early 1940s barn was recorded using Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation’s (DAHP) Historic Property Inventory Form on the Washington Information System for Architectural and Archaeological Records Data (WISAARD) and recommended not eligible for listing on historical registers. CRC understands this barn will be demolished according to project plans. No further archaeological oversight was recommended for this project.

1. Administrative Data Report Title: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington

Remote Pole Yard Project, Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Author (s): Sonja Kassa Report Date: July 12, 2016 Location: This project is located on Snohomish County Tax Parcel # 31052200400200 in Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington. Legal Description: The legal description for the project is the N½ of the SE¼ of Township 31 North, Range 05 East, Sections 22, W.M. USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map(s): Arlington West, WA (1981) (Figure 1). Total Area Involved: 26.48 acres. Objective (Research Design): This assessment was developed as a component of preconstruction environmental review with the goal of preventing cultural resources from being disturbed during construction of the proposed project by identifying the potential for any as-yet unrecorded archaeological or historic sites within the project. CRC’s work was intended, in part, to assist in addressing state regulations pertaining to the identification and protection of cultural resources (e.g., RCW 27.44, RCW 27.53). The Archaeological Sites and Resources Act (RCW 27.53) prohibits knowingly disturbing archaeological sites without a permit from DAHP, and the Indian Graves and Records Act (RCW 27.44) prohibits knowingly disturbing Native American

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CRC Technical Memorandum #1604M-2 Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Yard Project

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or historic graves. This assessment is being completed in part through compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), which requires that impacts to cultural resources be considered during the public environmental review process. Under SEPA, the DAHP is the sole agency with technical expertise in regard to cultural resources and provides formal opinions to local governments and other state agencies on a site’s significance and the impact of proposed projects upon such sites. CRC’s investigations consisted of review of available project information and correspondence provided by Snohomish County PUD, local environmental and cultural information, and historical maps. CRC also contacted cultural resources staff of the Snohomish Tribe, Snoqualmie Indian Tribe, Stillaguamish Tribe, and Tulalip Tribes to inquire about project-related cultural information or concerns (Attachment A). At the time this assessment was conducted CRC had received email correspondence from the Stillaguamish Tribe expressing their interest in observing CRC’s field investigations as well as identifying a portion of a Native American trail that bisected the project. CRC informed the Stillaguamish Tribe of the field investigation dates and Snohomish County PUD extended an invitation during ongoing field investigations. A Stillaguamish Tribe Cultural Resources representative briefly visited CRC on site on June 30th. Any additional information made available subsequent to the submission of this report will be included in a revision of this report. This assessment utilized a research design that considered previous studies, the magnitude and nature of the undertaking, the nature and extent of potential effects on historic properties, and the likely nature and location of historic properties within the project area, as well as other applicable laws, standards, and guidelines (per 36CFR800.4 (b)(1)) (DAHP 2015). Project Description: Snohomish County PUD requested a cultural resources assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Yard to be located on Parcel Number 31052200400200 in Snohomish County, Washington. Snohomish County PUD intends to develop the 26.48-acre site in stages with the following tentative schedule (Figure 2). The Pole Yard will be constructed in 2016. A solar array, microgrid and battery backup system will follow in 2018. A local office will be constructed in 2019 and 2020 to support District line crews, engineering and customer service staff. Beginning in 2020, a backup data center and energy control center will be constructed. Ground disturbing activities will impact a majority of the site area. The last project anticipated at this time is a substation to be constructed in 2026. There are no other anticipated uses for the remaining site area. An existing barn will be demolished with construction of the pole yard. There are no known on-site critical areas. Recorded Cultural Resources Present: Yes [ ] No [x] No archaeological or historic sites have been previously recorded within the project. 2. Background Research Background research was conducted in June and July 2016. Context Overview: Numerous cultural resources investigations have been prepared by CRC (Schumacher 2009) and other cultural resources firms (e.g., Shantry 2010) within a one-mile radius of the project. The context presented here summarizes environmental, ethnographic,

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historical, and archaeological information presented in these reports by reference; archaeological and historic data from DAHP WISAARD records search; ethnographic resources; geological and soils surveys (e.g., USDA NRCS 2016; WA DNR 2016); and historical maps and documents from Bureau of Land Management United States Surveyor General (USSG) Land Status & Cadastral Survey Records database, HistoryLink, Historic Map Works, HistoricAerials (NETR 2016), University of Washington’s Digital Collection, Washington State University’s Early Washington Maps Collection, CRC’s library, and the Stillaguamish Valley Pioneer Museum. Environmental Context: The project is located in the uplands of the Stillaguamish River watershed south of the City of Arlington, within the Willamette-Puget Lowland physiographic province. This province is characterized by the wide “trough” between the Coast and Cascade Ranges formed during the advance and retreat of Pleistocene epoch glaciers (McKee 1972:290). During the Late Pleistocene or last glacial period (110,000-12,000 years ago), the Cordilleran ice sheet covered much of the American northwest and scoured the landscape during advance and retreat episodes initiated by localized climate fluctuations. The most recent glaciation was the Vashon Stade of the Fraser glaciation dating to 15,000-13,000 years BP (Thorson 1980). The onset of climatic warming approximately 14,000 years ago caused the ice sheets to retreat to the north and began the transition into the Holocene (Easterbrook 1992). This final glacial advance episode scoured the landscape producing moraine features and topographic lows prior to its recession. Rising temperatures caused glaciers to retreat and periodic catastrophic recessional melt water floods deposited sediments, formed freshwater lakes, and carved valleys. Consequently, sedimentation during glacial times was significant and widespread. Active deposition in non-glacial periods including the present day has been more restricted, occurring in river valleys and at the base of steep slopes (Booth et al. 2003). In addition, geomorphic processes such as isostatic rebound, global sea level rise, and tectonic movement are also factors that have affected the geomorphology of the Puget Sound region to varying degrees during the Holocene (Booth et al. 2003; Dragovich et al. 2000; Thorson 1989). These events created a palimpsest landscape largely characterized by glacial advance and retreat features, the results of which formed the landforms and parent materials present in the project. Mapped surface geology for the study area consists of (Qgd), Quaternary Pleistocene continental glacial drift (WA DNR 2016). This geologic unit is comprised of Pleistocene till and outwash clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders deposited by or originating from continental glaciers. Local variations occur within this mapped unit and can consist of non-glacial sediments, modified land, and artificial fill. Soils mapped in the project location consist of Lynnwood loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes, and Norma loam (USDA NRCS 2016). Lynnwood loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes, is mapped within the western and central portion of the project and comprises approximately 85 percent of the project. This soil unit forms on glacial outwash plains and terraces originating from Pleistocene glacial outwash material. A typical profile of the Lynnwood loamy sand unit is, 0 to 29 inches: loamy sand, and 29 to 60 inches: sand. Norma loam is mapped in approximately 15 percent of the project area and is present along the eastern margin. This soil unit forms within drainageways and depressions from alluvium and consequently may be poorly drained. A typical profile of the Norma loam unit is, 0 to 10 inches: ashy loam that can be dark brown and in areas may be overlain by a thin highly organic layer on the surface, and 10 to 60 inches: sandy loam

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(Anderson et al. 1947). It should be noted that the soil survey (USDA NRCS 2016) is accurate to approximately five acres and that boundaries of soil units are not field verified and may differ from that detailed on the interactive map. Consequently, soil surveys are a useful tool for initial field planning, but should be ground-truthed for proper soil identification and subsurface evaluation. The Lynnwood loamy sand and other glacially derived soil units are typical of topographically higher upland areas south of the City of Arlington (Google Inc. 2016; USDA NRCS 2016). Deposition during the Holocene in these soil units has been minimal and likely consists of the buildup of organic material or minimal alluvium from low deposition ephemeral streams over Pleistocene-era glacially derived mineral soils. This indicates that any archaeological material that may have been deposited here would have likely been at or relatively near the present ground surface due to paucity of deposition during the Holocene. A comparison of locally mapped precontact archaeological sites (DAHP 2016) identified within the same glacially derived depositional environment (USDA NRCS 2016) supports this. Local precontact archaeological site comparisons included 45SN26 where lithic artifacts were recovered from the surface (H.M. and R.S.K. 1961; Obermayer 1991), and isolate 45SN486, which was recovered within the upper 20 centimeters of an excavated shovel probe (Carrilho 2009). Archaeological Context: Thousands of years of human occupation of the Puget Sound have been summarized in a number of archaeological, ethnographic, and historical investigations over the past several decades that provide a regional context for evaluating the project (e.g., Greengo 1983; Kopperl et al. 2010; Larson and Lewarch 1995; Morgan 1999; Nelson 1990). Archaeological evidence suggests the presence of nomadic hunter-gatherers not long after glaciers retreated and catastrophic melt waters subsided when landforms stabilized during the late Pleistocene - early Holocene. Consequently, evidence of early human occupation in once glaciated areas is found atop intact glacial sediments, which provide a stratigraphic lower limit for human occupation in these areas. Following deglaciation, subsequent changes to landforms, climate, and vegetation influenced the available resources and, consequently, the spatial distribution of human activities. Similar to elsewhere, human land use was generally structured around the value of natural resources available in local environments including fresh water, terrestrial and marine food resources, forests, and suitable terrain. A synopsis of the cultural chronology identified in the Puget Sound region is provided by Reed et al. (2010:5):

Archaeologists have identified broad similarities in site and lithic assemblages dated to between 9000-5000 years Before Present (B.P.), and termed “Olcott complex” of the Cascade Phase. Olcott complex sites have been defined partly by the shared distribution of laurel-leaf-shaped bifaces and upland or upper river terrace site locations (e.g., Blukis Onat et al. 2001; LeTourneau 2005; Miss and Campbell 1991; Morgan and Hartmann 1999; Nelson 1990). Several Olcott sites have been documented and studied throughout Western Washington and the Olympic Peninsula (e.g., Morgan 1999). Generally, changes in subsistence economy and occupation patterns are reflected in archaeological assemblages that date between 5000-3000 BP. During this time, an increasing number of tools were manufactured by grinding stone, and more antler and bone were utilized for tools. This period is also indicated by the occurrence of smaller

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triangular projectile points. Living floors, evidence of structural supports and hearths are more common during this period in contrast to the Olcott Complex. On Puget Sound, evidence of task-specific, year-round, broad based activities, including salmon and clam processing, woodworking, basket and tool manufacture, date from approximately 4200 BP (Larson and Lewarch 1995). Characteristic of the ethnographic pattern in Puget Sound, substantial evidence of seasonal residence and logistical mobility dates to about 3000 BP. Organic materials, including basketry, wood and food stuffs are more likely to be preserved in sites of this period, both in submerged, anaerobic sites and in sealed storage pits. Sites dating from this period represent specialized seasonal spring and summer fishing and root-gathering campsites and winter village locations. Sites of this type have been identified in the Puget Sound lowlands, typically located adjacent to, or near, river or marine transportation routes. Fish weirs and other permanent constructions are often associated with large occupation sites. Common artifact assemblages consist of a range of hunting, fishing and food processing tools, bone and shell implements and midden deposits. Similar economic and occupational trends persisted throughout the Puget Sound region until the arrival of European explorers. Beginning approximately two hundred years ago, relatively rapid social changes occurred under the pressures of acculturation. Contact between peoples of the Puget Sound region and those of Europe and the United States stimulated the local introduction and adoption of new technologies and political organization (Marino 1990; Suttles and Lane 1990).

The project is within the traditional lands of the Stillaguamish Tribe. Stillaguamish territory encompassed the Stillaguamish River drainage, including both the North and South Forks of the Stillaguamish River, Pilchuck Creek, and areas between the Skagit and Snohomish Rivers. Neighboring tribes such as the Tulalip Tribe and the Snohomish Tribe of Indians likely also used this area (Spier 1936; Suttles and Lane 1990). Precontact settlements were often located on major waterways, river confluences, heads of bays, or inlets, and people practiced a seasonal subsistence economy that included hunting, fishing, and plant food horticulture. In the winter, people lived at permanent village settlements in plank houses constructed from cedar (Bruseth 1926). Summer months were spent hunting, fishing, and gathering at specialized, temporary camps located near food resources. In estuarine and marine environments in the region, there was an abundance of plant and animal resources available. A combination of fish, shellfish, marine mammals, waterfowl, game, roots, and berries served as a rich, diverse, and relatively reliable resource base (Blukis Onat 1987; Suttles and Lane 1990). Prairie locations surrounding Arlington offered a wide range of plant resources for sustenance and craft. Plants found locally included wild onion, edible roots, bulbs and tubers, as well as various grass, sedge, and reed species. Upland prairie locations were also environments for deer and elk that could be hunted. As discussed by Schumacher (2009), at least 26 Stillaguamish villages, campsites, fishing, clamming, and potlatch sites have been identified in historic records, including permanent villages at present-day Arlington, Stanwood, and others around the mouth of the Stillaguamish River (Haeberlin and Gunther 1930; Indian Claims Commission 1974; Smith 1941; Tweddell

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1974). At junction of the North and South Forks of the Stillaguamish River was one of four main Stillaguamish villages, which by about 1850 “had two large houses...and several hundred people" (Indian Claims Commission 1974). This village was referred to as Skabalko and was widely known as a popular meeting and trading location (Bruseth 1926). Most permanent settlements were located along the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River, but others have been identified archaeologically along the South Fork of the Stillaguamish (Miss and Campbell 1991). Historic Context: By the mid-1850s, Euro-American settlement in the region had drastically affected Indian people and their traditions. Following the arrival of Euro-Americans, and subsequent treaty negotiations between tribal groups and the United States government local tribes signed the treaty of Point Elliot of January 22, 1855. While the Stillaguamish Tribe, was named in the preamble of the treaty they were not signatories. Rather, the Stillaguamish Tribe were assigned to the reservation at Tulalip (Lane 1973). Many did not leave their traditional land and some took homestead claims and became sedentary, after which, seasonal camps were seldom visited. The Stillaguamish Tribe eventually achieved federal recognition in 1976 and subsequently established a reservation in Arlington (Ruby and Brown 1992; Conroy 2005). The history of Arlington has been discussed in numerous sources (e.g. Oakley 2007; Whitfield 1926a, b) and is summarized as follows. Euro-American exploration in the area that would become Arlington began around 1851 with a prospector led by Native American guides. The land beyond the Stillaguamish River was densely forested and Euro-American settlement did not begin until the mid-1880s. Consequently, early Euro-American settlers came by canoe up the Stillaguamish River and by wagon via crude roads from Marysville settling at the confluence of the North and South Forks of the Stillaguamish River. The first businesses in the area that would become Arlington was a store owned by Nels K. Tvete and Nils C. Johnson, and the White House Hotel owned by Lee Rodgers and Al Dinsmore, which catered to the early loggers working to clear the dense swaths of timber. Construction of the Seattle Lakeshore & Eastern Railroad between Arlington and Seattle began around 1888 and provided a reliable transport for timber from the growing town. Its construction also increased logging activities on the North Fork Stillaguamish. In 1908, the Ebey Logging Company constructed approximately 20 miles of an additional logging railroad, the Marysville & Arlington (M&A). This railroad was located between Ebey Slough and the mouth of Jim Creek and was later extended. The M&A railroad operated until 1927 and later was replaced in part by an automobile road. These rail lines are present adjacent to the project and intersected north of the project (USGS 1911). The near simultaneous platting of Haller City and Arlington only a half of a mile apart caused rivalry between the two towns as they vied to build communities. Due to Arlington’s more suitable location, the town secured the railroad and depot of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad in June of 1890 in addition to an express office, warehouse, and post office. By 1894, it was evident that Arlington had a development advantage and many businesses relocated. In 1903, the two towns merged and incorporated under the name of Arlington, which succeeded in bolstering the town’s development. Early economies centered on logging and agriculture in recently logged areas. In the early 1900s, Arlington continued to grow and provide services to the expanding community. As was typical of many small towns in the United States, Arlington

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saw hard times during The Great Depression and many sought jobs with federal relief programs, namely the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration. These programs provided for construction of the Arlington Airport, located west of the project. In 1934, the Arlington Commercial Club and Civil Works Administration leased 200 acres of land from Birckenmeier for the construction of the airport. The airport was later expanded and used by the U.S. Navy during World War II. Arlington remained largely unchanged until the construction of Interstate 5 in 1969. At this time, the city’s proximity to Marysville and Everett made it a desirable suburban location. Growth boomed in the 1980s as Seattle and Everett area workers began to seek cheaper housing locations outside of the cities. Historical Records Search: Review of historical maps and aerial imagery provided an understanding of the historic and modern land use, and ownership of the project and surrounding area. The General Land Office conducted early cadastral surveys to define or re-establish the boundaries and subdivisions of Federal Lands of the United States so that land patents could be issued transferring the title of the land from the Federal government to individuals. The USSG (1875) map does not show any cultural annotations (e.g. trails, homesteads) within or surrounding the project. The map does show environmental features such as a large marshland to the immediate south of the project and various small streams outside of Section 22 (Figure 3). These streams flow west and northwest from the hills to the east of the project. To the northwest on the border of Sections 17 and 20, a “Cranberry Marsh” is noted. Subdivisions of Sections into Tracts are focused along the Stillaguamish River. In 1890, Albert Nelson purchased a land patent for the 160 acres comprising N½ of the S½ of Section 20 (BLM 2016; Table 1). He was one of a number of early landowners in Township 31 North, Range 05 East (BLM 2016; Shantry 2010:Figure 3). The USGS (1898) map depicts the project location within an area labeled as “Area From Which Timber Has Been Cut.” This label is applied to many of the Sections surrounding Section 22 in addition to areas depicted as “Burnt Area.” By 1911, the project was located between two railroad corridors (NETR 2016). The corridor to the west was labeled as “Tram Road” and the corridor to the east was labeled as “Seattle From Vancouver Line.” To the southeast were areas of Edgecomb and Sisco, to the southwest was Stimson Crossing, and to the west was Lakewood English Station. Topographic maps from 1911, 1920, and 1937 appear identical for this area. The Metsker (1927) map depicts the project within a parcel owned by A.W. Ekroth or Anton W. Ekroth a Swede married to Anna V. Ekroth. The rail lines are present to the immediate west and east of the project location and Edgecomb is noted at the southeast corner of Section 22. Land surrounding the project in had been subdivided and claimed. Maps of Section 22 from Kroll (1934) and Metsker (1936) remain similar to that of the Metsker (1927) map with the exception that the rail line trending north-south west of the project was no longer present. The Kroll (1943) map shows that A.W. Ekroth, age 65, still owned the parcel that the project is located within land previously owned by individuals in the W½ of Section 22 and the W½ of the NW ¼ of the NE¼ of Section had been accumulated by the Arlington Airport that had been recently constructed. This map also shows a road between A.W. Ekroth’s property and Eddie

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Anderson’s property to the north. By 1943, an access road had been constructed within the project leading to a structure located in the central portion of the project (NETR 2016). Aerial imagery first available from 1954, depicts the project location as largely agricultural fields with sparse trees concentrated around two (potentially three) structures that are likely a residence and barn. The 1957 and later topographic maps also depict a trail through the central portion of the project trending northwest to southeast, but it is not visible on aerial imagery. Aerial imagery from 1969 shows conditions similar to those in 1954. By 1960, A.W. Ekroth’s property belonged to Robert T. King (Metsker 1960). By 1990, the project was characterized by more trees; however, these remained largely sparse (NETR 2016). During the 2000s, the project appears unmaintained with increased vegetation cover. One of the structures on the property, presumed to be the residence, appears to have been demolished sometime in the 1990s or early 2000s. One historic barn still stands within the project, while the associated single-family residence had been recently demolished, according to personnel at the Snohomish County PUD. The Snohomish County Assessor (2016) lists the land as vacant and does not provide a build date for the barn, nor was information available for the construction of the single-family residence. According to historical maps and imagery (Kroll 1943; Metsker 1927; NETR 2016), the barn was likely constructed in the late 1930s or early 1940s while A.W. Ekroth owned the subject parcel. DAHP WISAARD: A review of the WISAARD database identified previous cultural resource studies, recorded precontact and historic sites, and recorded built environment, which helps gauge the potential and likely nature of cultural resources present within the project vicinity (DAHP 2016). No previously recorded cultural resources have been identified within the project. The Arlington Municipal Cemetery is located at 20310 67th Avenue NE approximately 1.4 miles north of the project and will not be impacted by project actions. Nine cultural resources assessments have been conducted within a one-mile radius of the project (Table 2). The assessments have been conducted in response to transmission lines (Gilpin and Silverman 2009; Piper and Smith 2009), recreational trails (Equinox Research and Consulting International, Inc. 2008), fish passage (Emerson 2016), transportation route improvements (Robinson 1999; Shantry 2010; Stutzman 1995), food banks (Stipe 2011), and cell tower construction (Schumacher 2009). Of these assessments, four assessments identified historic resources (Emerson 2016; Gilpin and Silverman 2009; Piper and Smith 2009; Stutzman 1995), and one of these identified historic and precontact resources (Piper and Smith 2009). Resources nearest to the project identified during these surveys and others are discussed in this section below. One historic register-listed district has been recorded within two miles of the project. This property is approximately .15 mile west of the project located at 18204 59th Drive NE and is referred to as the Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Arlington (Boswell and Heideman 2011). It is significant for the period between 1942 and 1946. This district is composed of ten contributing buildings that functioned historically as a defense air base and an airport, and continues to function as an airport presently. This district was nominated under Criteria A and C, and it retains its setting, feeling, and association with a World War II air base design.

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Numerous structures over 50 years old have been recorded on properties surrounding the project and many of these are located on the Naval Auxiliary Air Station discussed in the paragraph above. Those within one mile of the project not located on the Naval Auxiliary Air Station include four structures that have not yet been reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and two that have been determined not eligible for register listing (Table 3). One previously recorded precontact site and one precontact isolate are located within two miles northeast of the project (Table 4). Local archaeological sites have been largely recorded along the north and south forks of the Stillaguamish River, with few recorded sites in uplands away from reliable fresh water sources. Site 45SN26 is located .52 mile north of the project. This site is described as a precontact open campsite within a flat, cultivated berry field and was described as a topographic low between the Stillaguamish River and Quilceda Creek (H.M. and R.S.K. 1961; Obermayer 1991). Here, artifacts were identified scattered over a 500 yards north-south by 100 yards east-west area and all were recovered from the surface. This site is located within the same soil unit as that of the project (Lynnwood loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes) indicating that a similar shallow deposition would be likely in the majority of the project. Collected artifacts included choppers, scrappers, “large bipoints and fragments” and a “McNary” serrated point. A resurvey of this area in 1991 noted numerous disturbances and no cultural materials were identified (Obermayer 1991). The property was later developed (NETR 2016). Isolate 45SN486, a basalt ‘thumbnail’ scraper, is located approximately 1.77 miles northwest of the project. This isolate was found near the edge of an upland overlooking the confluence of the north and south forks of the Stillaguamish River just south of the City of Arlington (Carrilho 2009). This isolate was identified during subsurface testing and was recovered within the upper 20 centimeters of an excavated shovel probe. A comparison of the location of this isolate to the mapped soil unit indicated that it is located within sediments that form on hill slopes from glacially derived sediments (USDA NRCS 2016). 3. Archaeological Expectations Archaeological Predictive Model: The DAHP statewide predictive model uses environmental data about the locations of known archaeological sites to identify where previously unknown sites are more likely to be found. The model correlates locations of known archaeological data to environmental data “to determine the probability that, under a particular set of environmental conditions, another location would be expected to contain an archaeological site” (Kauhi and Markert 2009:2-3). Environmental data categories included in the model are elevation, slope, aspect, distance to water, geology, soils, and landforms. According to the model, the project location is ranked as largely “Survey Recommended: Moderate Risk” with a portion ranked as “Survey Contingent Upon Project Parameter: Moderate,” likely due, in part, to relative proximity to semi-reliable fresh water streams and the gently undulating terrain. Geomorphological Context: This assessment considers the implications of the predictive model coupled with an understanding of geomorphological context, local settlement patterns, and post-depositional processes to characterize the potential for archaeological deposits to be encountered. Mapped soils in the project location are derived from reworked Pleistocene glacial sediments

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capped by organic material or a thin layer of alluvial sediments from low deposition ephemeral streams deposited during the Holocene. According to records of local, precontact archaeology identified on similar glacially derived landforms as that of the project included 45SN26 where lithic artifacts were recovered from the surface (H.M. and R.S.K. 1961; Obermayer 1991), and isolate 45SN486 which was recovered within the upper 20 centimeters of an excavated shovel probe (Carrilho 2009). It is expected that cultural materials or deposits would be found in a similar context within the project, but may be potentially less shallow in the eastern portion of the project and above culturally-sterile glacial outwash sediments. Land Use Patterns: As discussed, recorded archaeology dating to the precontact or ethnohistoric period is generally located adjacent to creeks, rivers, and lakes in environments (DAHP 2016; USDA NRCS 2016). Local precontact sites and cultural features (i.e. ethnographic era trail) indicate a more ephemeral use of the project vicinity. These sites and isolates are likely the result of a more transient material record derived from activities such as hunting, resource gathering and processing, etc. occurring on the periphery between more permanent settlement locations. Recorded historic era cultural resources in proximity to the project are all components of the built environment that area associated with historic commerce, agriculture, railroad, and domestic activities. Historic-era activities would have included logging, farming, agriculture, and homesteading. Previous disturbances within the project would have likely succeeded in destroying or obscuring precontact archaeological deposits, if previously present, within the relatively shallow Holocene sediments. Archaeological Expectations: Given the characteristics of previously recorded archaeological sites, the project location’s land use history, and the extent of prior ground disturbance, the potential for the project to encounter intact archaeological deposits is considered low. Expected precontact deposits in the project location could consist of scatters of precontact lithic material, fire-cracked rock, bone implements, or other evidence of resource procurement or processing activities or overland travel. Historic-era archaeological materials, if present, may include scatters of glass, metal, or ceramic household debris, fence wire, irrigation features, and/or machinery parts or fragments. Total Area Examined: The entire project (26.48 acres). The project area was fenced. Areas not examined: None. Date(s) of Survey: June 28 – June 30, 2016 Weather and Surface Visibility: Weather conditions were approximately mid-70 degrees with overcast to clear skies. Mineral soil visibility within the project was generally poor as the project was characterized by recently mown native and non-native vegetation that included a variety of grasses, Scotch broom, and Himalayan blackberry in addition to few evergreen and deciduous trees as well as fruit trees. Mineral soil visibility was identifiable in sparse tractor throws throughout the project.

Field Methodology: Pedestrian surface survey and hand excavation via shovel

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test probes.

Fieldwork conducted by: Sonja Kassa, Emily Peterson, Jessica Gardner, and Zachary Allen. Notes and photographs are on file with CRC.

Site visit on June 30, 2016 by Stillaguamish Tribe Cultural

Resources representative Jennifer VanEyk. Fieldwork consisted of surface survey and subsurface testing via hand excavated shovel test probes (STPs). Prior to subsurface testing, CRC archaeologists conducted a pedestrian survey of the project in an effort to understand the current condition and gauge the potential for as yet unknown archaeology within the project boundary. The project location can be described as an L-shaped fenced parcel of land that is located between industrial properties and open land to the north and south, railroad tracks and housing developments to the east, and an arterial road and the Arlington Airport to the west (Figures 4 and 5). The project parcel consists of gently undulating land characterized by recently mown vegetation with a variety of grasses, Scotch broom, and Himalayan blackberry interspersed with sparse deciduous, evergreen, and fruit trees. Tractor throws, likely from recent lawn mowing, were present throughout the project, exposing mineral soils (Figure 6). Few slash piles from vegetation clearing likely over the past decade (Google, Inc. 2016) were observable in the western portion of the project as was grading and the construction of the gravel drive at the property entrance. The historic era barn was the only structure present in the project and was inventoried; see below (Figure 7). The Snohomish County PUD is planning to remove this barn. The Snohomish County PUD had previously removed the associated single-family residence. CRC archaeologists thoroughly surveyed the area of the residence and excavated STPs in less disturbed areas, the only indication left of this structure was a large depression from the removal of the foundation and very few fragments of metal and window glass (Figure 8). A sharp L-shaped depression measuring approximately 7 meters (east-west) by 5.5 meters (north-south) at its longest points was also observed in the eastern portion of the project that is not visible in historical imagery, but was likely associated with agricultural or residential activity (Figure 9). Saw-cut wood remnants and other debris were noted in the depression. Seventy-six STPs were excavated to observe subsurface conditions (Figure 10). As the landscape of the project was uniform, STPs were placed on a grid overlaying the project to examine subsurface conditions across the project and identify areas that may be more likely to contain as-yet unrecorded archaeology. STPs were excavated at more closely spaced intervals around known cultural features (i.e. barn, removed single family residence, and approximate location of the historic Native American trail as identified by the Stillaguamish). The probes were manually excavated with a shovel and all sediments were passed through ¼-inch hardware mesh to screen for artifacts. The probes were 30 to 40 centimeters in diameter and reached depths ranging from 75 to 122 centimeters below surface dependent upon the depth to intact glacial outwash sediments that are understood to be culturally-sterile (Figures 11 and 12; Table 5). Testing confirmed that the majority of the near-surface sediments in the project location had been disturbed from past agricultural activity. Native sediments in the probes were consistent with the locally mapped soil units and were near uniform across the entire project.

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Observed soils in these probes generally consisted of 0 to 20 cm dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone), 20 to 40 cm red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash), 40 to 90 cm mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash), and 90 to 110 cm grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash). CRC archaeologists sought to excavate to intact native glacial outwash soils that are understood to be culturally sterile. However, excavation could not reach depths beyond disturbed soils in few locations due to restrictive natural features (i.e. thick roots and buried fence post). As discussed, sediments appeared near uniform across the project and it is therefore likely that subsurface stratigraphy in these shallower probes adhered to those observed elsewhere in the project. Variations observed in the upper disturbed strata of the excavated probes included ash, decaying and burnt wood, and the presence of large roots. All probes were negative for intact archaeological deposits. No intact historic or precontact archaeological materials or buried anthropogenic surfaces were identified during the course of this survey. Observed cultural material was sparse and identified as historic era debris (e.g., iron round head nails, ceramic fragments, and glass fragments) (Figure 13) with the exception of a fragmented mammal size class four/five bone with unfused epiphyses (Figure 14) and two mammal size class three (Thomas 1969) partial carnivore skeletons, likely cat, in STP 75 (Figure 15). The disturbed, scattered historic debris appeared to be the result of random dispersal overtime rather than the representation of buried intact (i.e. significant) historic materials. In addition, the mammal size class three partial carnivore skeletons appeared to be the remnants of domesticated pets that likely historically lived on the farm. Consequently, these findings were not determined to be archaeological in nature. All cultural material was identified in the disturbed sediments adjacent to the demolished house and barn and was returned to the associated probe following documentation. STPs were backfilled immediately following documentation.

5. Results Cultural Resources Identified: One ca. 1940s barn was recorded on DAHP’s WISAARD as a historic inventory property (DAHP PROJECT: 2016-07-04683, PROPERTY: #706273 Barn). Project Conclusions, Findings and Recommendations: Archaeological investigations, inclusive of pedestrian survey and the excavation of 76 shovel test probes, did not identify any precontact or historic materials or deposits within the project, or locations that had a higher probability for the presence of intact precontact archaeological sites. Known precontact land use within the project consisted of the alignment of a Native American trail near the center of the project. The transient nature of overland travel would likely have resulted in a sparse cultural material record that would be located at or very near surface due to the paucity of deposition during the Holocene. Known historic period land use consisted mainly of logging and agriculture. These historic activities would have undoubtedly affected the integrity of any significant (i.e.

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intact) materials or deposits that may have been present in the project and succeeded obscuring or destroying potential resources. Based on the results of field survey, existing conditions, and scope of project effects, the probability that significant (i.e. intact) precontact cultural resources exist within the project is considered to be low. Due to the sparse and disturbed nature, of the historical/modern debris observed during subsurface testing it is unlikely that the removal of the barn will affect any as-yet unidentified significant cultural resources and the construction of the barn has likely previously removed any artifact bearing strata. One historic building, a barn, was identified and recorded. The barn appears representative of early twentieth century farming and very minimal information is available regarding its history. However, archival review has not identified any association with significant events or persons, significant architectural features, or potential to provide significant historical information. The barn is in poor condition and its integrity of association, setting, workmanship, and feeling have been compromised. The barn does not appear to meet NRHP eligibility criteria (NRHP 2002) or criteria for listing as a Washington Heritage Barn. No further work is recommended. A physical description of the barn is as follows: According to historical maps and imagery (Kroll 1943; Metsker 1927; NETR 2016), the barn was likely constructed in the late 1930s or early 1940s while A.W. Ekroth owned the subject parcel. The footprint of the barn measures approximately 29 feet (east-west) by 50 feet (north-south), for a footprint totaling 1,450 square feet. It consists of two stories that are equal in square footage. This barn can be described as Dutch Gambrel style with hay hood on northern side and a cupola at the center of the roof (Houser n.d.). The foundation is composed of poured concrete with wooden plank flooring atop for the majority of the barn foundation. The exterior appears to have been painted a traditional barn red color still present in traces, but has since weathered and faded to silver raw wood that is diminished and decaying where still present on the structure. The exterior walls consist of wooden shiplap secured with round head nails. On the south façade, plywood had been used to cover the original shiplap siding. The roof is of a Bellcast Gambrel style with cornice fascia alone. The roof is in disrepair and consists of an eroding modern asphalt composite over the original wood shingle roof, which also appeared to be decomposing. The windows and doors have a flat, plain trim. The exterior walls of the barn are described as follows: • The south exterior wall of the barn was likely the main entrance to the barn as it had the most

direct access from the residence. It has been redone with plywood siding over the original shiplap. Here, access to the barn is through a sliding barn door approximately 7 feet 6 inches wide and 8 feet high. There are four windows measuring approximately 1 foot 8 inches by 2 feet 1 inch at the opening with two on the first story and two on the second story. Just below the ridge of the roof is a rectangular vent slatted with wood.

• The east exterior wall of the barn had a hinged door located in the southeast corner that measured 8 feet 2 inches wide and a hinged door in the center, off-set, measuring 6 feet 5 inches wide. Both doors measured 6 feet 9 inches in height. Seven windows measuring 1 foot 9 inches by 1 foot 9 inches at the opening were along the first story. The exterior second story wall is largely absent and it is unknown what its original design entailed.

• The north exterior wall has one hinged door approximately 4 feet 9 inches wide by 6 feet 9 inches tall and a sliding barn door approximately 9 feet 6 inches wide and 8 feet tall. Near the

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ridge of the roof below the hay hood is a draw down hinged door where a hay carrier was presumably installed.

• The west exterior wall has seven evenly spaced windows measuring approximately 1 foot 8 inches by 2 feet 1 inch at the opening on the first story and one on the second story. Much of the exterior is missing on the second story; consequently the original design is unknown.

The interior of the barn consists of two stories. The lower story is an open layout consisting of one large L-shaped section with wooden plank flooring along largely the southern and western walls, and a rectangular section in the northeast corner with no wooden flooring and separated by a grate and trough. The second story appeared to be a single open room used for hay storage. In the event that any ground-disturbing or other construction activities result in the inadvertent discovery of archaeological resources, work should be halted in the immediate area, and contact made with county officials, the technical staff at DAHP, and tribal representatives. A protocol for inadvertent discoveries is provided in Attachment B. Work should be stopped until further investigation and appropriate consultation have concluded. In the unlikely event of the inadvertent discovery of human remains, work should be immediately halted in the area, the discovery covered and secured against further disturbance, and contact effected with law enforcement personnel, consistent with the provisions set forth in RCW 27.44.055 and RCW 68.60.055. No historic properties affected [x] Historic properties affected [ ] No adverse effect to historic properties [ ] Adverse effect to historic properties [ ] Attachments: Figures [x] Photographs [x] Other [x] Copies of project related correspondence between CRC and Tribal cultural

resources staff. [x] Proposed inadvertent discovery protocol.

6. Limitations of this Assessment No cultural resources study can wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the potential for prehistoric sites, historic properties or traditional cultural properties to be associated with a project. The information presented in this report is based on professional opinions derived from our analysis and interpretation of available documents, records, literature, and information identified in this report, and on our field investigation and observations as described herein. Conclusions and recommendations presented apply to project conditions existing at the time of our study and those reasonably foreseeable. The data, conclusions, and interpretations in this report should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions described in this report. They cannot necessarily apply to site changes of which CRC is not aware and has not had the opportunity to evaluate.

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8. Figures and Tables

Figure 1. USGS Arlington West, WA (1981) 7.5-minute quadrangle annotated with the general location of the project in red.

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Figure 2. Arlington conceptual site plan, provided by Snohomish County PUD.

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Figure 3. USSG (1875) map depicting the project in red.

Figure 4. Overview of the project from the eastern margin; view is to the southwest.

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Figure 5. Overview photograph of the conditions observed in the western portion of the project; view is to the southwest.

Figure 6. Representative photograph of mineral soils observed in a tractor throw within the project.

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Figure 7. Overview of the historic barn located within the project; view is to the northwest.

Figure 8. CRC archaeologists conducting a pedestrian survey of the location where the single family home was removed; view is to the southeast.

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Figure 10. Google Earth imagery overlaid with the locations of the excavated shovel test probes within the project.

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Figure 9. Overview of the L-shaped depression of unknown age denoted by the red dashed line; view is to the northwest.

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Figure 11. Representative photograph of observed subsurface conditions, STP 38.

Figure 12. Representative photograph of observed subsurface conditions, STP 1.

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Figure 13. Representative photograph of historic/modern debris observed.

Figure 14. Photograph of mammal size class four/five bone fragments identified in STP 39.

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Figure 15. Photograph of representative elements of unarticulated skeletons size class three mammals (MNI=2), likely cat based on dentition.

Table 1. Land patents recorded within the project (BLM 2016), all located in Section 22 Township 31 N., Range 05 E., W.M. Name Date BLM Serial No. Authority Sections and/or

Aliquots Total Acres

Albert Nelson

June 18, 1890 WASAA 068870

April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)

N½S½ of Section 22 160

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Table 2. Cultural resources investigations conducted within a one-mile radius of the project. Author Date Title Results and Recommendations

Emerson 2016 Cultural Resources Survey for the Washington State Department of Transportation’s Edgecomb Creek Fish Passage Project, Snohomish County, Washington

Background research and field investigations resulted in the identification and inventory of two historic resources the Kaiser Property and the Crandall Property. The project was determined to have no effect on the buildings and no further cultural resources oversight was recommended.

Equinox Research and Consulting International, Inc.

2008 Archaeological Investigation Report Phase 1 Stage 3, Snohomish County, WA

Background research and field investigations did not result in the identification of precontact or historic resources. No further cultural resources oversight was recommended.

Gilpin and Silverman

2009 Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD’s Edgecomb Transmission Line Project, Snohomish County, WA

Background research and field investigations resulted in the identification and inventory of three historic resources a Burlington Northern Pacific Railway and two drainage ditches. These resources were not recommended eligible for historic registers. No further cultural resources oversight was recommended.

Piper and Smith

2009 Phase 2 Cultural Resources Assessment for the Sedro Woolley-Horse Ranch Transmission Line Upgrade, Skagit County and Snohomish County, WA

Background research and field investigations resulted in the identification and inventory of six historic resources and five precontact resources. Adverse effects to these properties was recommended until further evaluation of the resources could be achieved.

Robinson 1999 A Cultural Resources Survey of Washington State Department of Transportation’s SR 531: Milepost 6.99 to Milepost 8.59 Widening Project, Snohomish County, Washington

Background research and field investigations did not result in the identification of precontact or historic resources. No further cultural resources oversight was recommended.

Schumacher 2009 Cultural Resources Survey for Mid-Mountain Materials Cell Tower (SE07101A), Arlington, Washington

Background research and field investigations did not result in the identification of precontact or historic resources. No further cultural resources oversight was recommended.

Shantry 2010 Cultural Resources Assessment for the Arlington Airport West Side Road project, Snohomish County, WA

Background research and field investigations did not result in the identification of precontact or historic resources. No further cultural resources oversight was recommended.

Stipe 2011 Arlington Food Bank Cultural Resource Survey

Background research and field investigations did not result in the identification of precontact or historic resources. No further cultural resources oversight was recommended.

Stutzman 1995 Cultural Resources Survey for the City of Arlington SR 531 and 67th Avenue NE Intersection Improvement Project, Snohomish County, Washington

Background research and field investigations resulted in the identification and inventory of one historic period building, the Edgecomb General Store. The project was determined to have no effect on the building and no further cultural resources oversight was recommended.

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Table 3. Historic structures inventoried within one-mile of the project. Address Name Building Type Listing Status Location

Relative to the Project (mile)

Potential Impacts due to Project

6631 172nd Street NE, Arlington

Farrell’s General Merchandise /Edgecomb General Store

Commerce Inventory - Waiting for Review

.24 None

Edgecomb vicinity, Arlington

Edgecomb Creek Drainage Ditch

Agriculture Inventory - Waiting for Review

.86 None

Edgecomb vicinity, Arlington

Olaf Straad Creek Drainage Ditch

Agriculture Inventory - Waiting for Review

.91 None

Edgecomb vicinity, Arlington

Burlington Northern Pacific Railroad Line

Railroad Inventory - Waiting for Review

.91 None

6820 172nd St NE, Arlington

Kaiser House/Property

Single-family house

Determined not Eligible

.33 None

6802 172nd St NE, Arlington

Crandall House Single-family house

Determined not Eligible

.27 None

Table 4. Archaeological sites recorded nearest to the project on file at DAHP.

Site Number Site Name Site Type Location Relative

to Project (mile) Historic Register


Potential Impacts due to

Proposal 45SN26 -- Precontact lithic material .52 Inventory - Waiting

for Review None

45SN486 -- Precontact isolate; Precontact lithic material

1.77 Inventory - Waiting for Review


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Table 5. Summary table of STPs excavated within the project boundary. Probe


Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


1 563840 E 5333959 N

0-94: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots and charred organics 94-122: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


2 563835 E 5334005 N

0-15: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots and abundant woody debris 15-32: Brown fine to coarse sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels many small to medium roots 32-75: Yellowish-brown medium to coarse sandy silt sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. Upright wood post- probable fence post with one iron nail embedded in the side. Measures 25 centimeters north-south and 9 centimeters east-west. Top was at a depth of 65 cmbs extending to an unknown depth.

Upright fence post of

unknown age.

3 563799 E 5333960 N

0-22: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots with charred organics. 22-38: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred organics (disturbed glacial outwash) 38-82: Yellowish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 82-120: Yellowish grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


4 563799 E 5333999 N

0-22: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with some charcoal 22-88: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 88-110: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


5 563800 E 5334039 N

0-19: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots with charred organics. 19-28: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred organics (disturbed glacial outwash) 28-68: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 68-85: Yellowish grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


6 563799 E 5334085 N

0-19: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots with charred organics. 19-38: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred organics (disturbed glacial outwash) 38-78: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 78-99: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


7 563800 E 5334119 N

0-15: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 15-35: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 35-69: Reddish yellow-brown to greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 69-90: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


8 563800 E 5334149 N

0-30: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 30-50: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 50-85: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 85-98: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


9 563749 E 5334150 N

0-23: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots with charred organics. 23-45: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred organics (disturbed glacial outwash) 45-69: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 69-90: Yellowish grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


10 563749 E 5334119 N

0-17: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 17-41: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 41-87: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 87-110: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


11 563750 E 5334080 N

0-14: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots. 14-20: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 20-25: Yellowish grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash) 25-45: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred organics (disturbed glacial outwash) Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 45-80: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 80-100: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


12 563750 E 5334040 N

0-35: Brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 35-45: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 45-85: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 85-100: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


13 563749 E 5333999 N

0-23: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 23-41: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 41-83: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 83-115: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


14 563749 E 5333960 N

0-30: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots and decaying wood fragments 30-68: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 68-90: Loose greyish fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


15 563699 E 5333959 N

0-20: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots. 20-30: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred organics (disturbed glacial outwash) 30-70: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 70-90: Compact greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


16 563700 E 5334000 N

0-20: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots. 20-42: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred organics (disturbed glacial outwash) 42-85: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 85-101: Compact greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


17 563700 E 5334039 N

0-25: Brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 25-38: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 38-65: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 65-85: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


18 563699 E 5334079 N

0-17: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 41-83: Brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 83-104: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


19 563699 E 5334120 N

0-17: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with some charcoal 17-26: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 26-98: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash). Terminated on large root.


20 563699 E 5334150 N

0-12: Dark greyish brown semi-compact fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots with charred organics. 12-22: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 22-65: Yellowish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) Terminate on cedar root intrusions across entire probe.


21 563650 E 5334150 N

0-39: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles with roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 39-67: Compact brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 67-96: Brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels (disturbed glacial outwash) 96-121: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


22 563649 E 5334120 N

0-20: Brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 20-35: Loose grey ash and fine sandy silt with few small gravels and charcoal fragments 35-90: Compact burnt sediment – yellowish reddish brown with oxidized pockets fine sandy silt with few sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. Concentration of large charcoal pieces (up to 8 centimeters) from 50-57 cmbs in east wall of probe. Roots to 65 cmbs. 90-105: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


23 563649 E 5334080 N

0-31: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots 31-49: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with dark brown lenses mottled with dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 49-61: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 61-81: Semi-compact greyish fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


24 563650 E 5334039 N

0-25: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots. 25-65: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred organics (disturbed glacial outwash) 65-80: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 80-105: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


25 563650 E 5334000 N

0-31: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 31-68: Compact brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 68-98: Compact greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 98-113: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


26 563649 E 5333960 N

0-25: Semi-compact medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with some charcoal 25-64: Semi-compact dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with few sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels (disturbed glacial outwash) 64-89: Semi-compact greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels (intact glacial outwash).


27 563600 E 5333959 N

0-25: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots. 25-40: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 40-62: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 62-80: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


28 563600 E 5333999 N

0-35: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 35-75: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. Decaying wood at 40 and 55 cmbs. 75-95: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


29 563599 E 5334040 N

0-33: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 33-62: Compact reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 62-80: Compact light brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 80-105: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash) Charred organics in upper 65 cmbs


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Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


30 563599 E 5334079 N

0-23: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with some charcoal 23-69: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 69-92: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash). Becoming concreted.


31 563599 E 5334119 N

0-15: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots with charred organics. 15-55: Dark yellowish reddish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots with charred wood at 45 cmbs on southeast probe wall (disturbed glacial outwash) 55-80: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 80-90: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


32 563600 E 5334147 N

0-36: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 36-64: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles 64-75: Compact greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 75-108: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


33 563548 E 5334147 N

0-12: Greyish brown semi-compact fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to angular poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles with roots and few concrete fragments (fill mixed with native sediment) 12-28: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 28-40: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 40-75: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 75-100: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 43

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


34 563550 E 5334120 N

0-20: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with some charcoal. One fragment of amethyst glass and metal piece in upper 20 cmbs. 20-58: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 58-77: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash).

One fragment of amethyst

glass and metal piece in upper

20 cmbs

35 563551 E 5334094 N

0-15: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots with organic decay on surface 15-25: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 25-55: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 55-80: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


36 563556 E 5334080 N

0-21: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 21-49: Compact reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 49-69: Compact greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 69-98: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)

Glass fragment @ 35 cmbs

37 563539 E 5334084 N

0-28: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone). 0-10 cmbs 28-49: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 49-65: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 65-88: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 44

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


38 563546 E 5334071 N

0-15: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots 15-28: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 28-69: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 69-90: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


39 563530 E 5334040 N

0-29: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with some charcoal. Modern composite roofing, clear and brown glass fragments, and a round head nail in upper 25 cmbs. Four cow-sized mammal bone fragments (articulate together) between 20-40 cmbs. 29-74: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 74-95: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash).

Modern composite

roofing, clear and brown

glass fragments, and a round head nail in upper

25 cmbs Four deer or cow-sized

mammal bone fragments (articulate together)

between 20-40 cmbs

40 563549 E 5334040 N

0-15: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots with organic decay on surface. White porcelain fragment at 0-20 cmbs. 15-40: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots disturbed glacial outwash) 40-80: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 80-97: Loose mottled reddish brown and greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)

White porcelain

fragment @ 0-20 cmbs

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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 45

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


41 563530 E 5334019 N

0-25: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots. Seed fragments at 25 cmbs (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 25-59: Compact brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. Charred organics at 45 cmbs 59-81: Compact greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 81-106: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


42 563552 E 5334015 N

0-25: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with roots and organics (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 25-50: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 50-92: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 92-108: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


43 563513 E 5334033 N

0-31: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots and organics. White ceramic fragment and seeds at 10 cmbs (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 31-67: Compact brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. Charred organics at 55 cmbs. 67-75: Compact greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 75-107: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)

White ceramic fragment @ 10


44 563550 E 5333960 N

0-25: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots 25-37: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 37-70: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 70-100: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 46

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


45 563550 E 5334000 N

0-29: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. Numerous rusted metal fragments in upper 29 cmbs. 29-84: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 84-105: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash).

Numerous rusted metal fragments in

upper 29 cmbs

46 563500 E 5333960 N

0-23: Dark brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots 23-32: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 32-58: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 58-85: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


47 563499 E 5334000 N

0-25: Dark brown fine sandy silt with few sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 25-42: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 42-75: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 75-97: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)

Partial base of a green glass

bottle (wine or champagne) –

appears modern

@ 30-40 cmbs

48 563499 E 5334080 N

0-16: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 16-36: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 36-64: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 64-92: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 47

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


49 563500 E 5334119 N

0-41: Medium brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots and red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots mottled in lower portion (disturbed glacial outwash) 41-48: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 48-77: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash). Large rock at 60 cmbs.


50 563499 E 5334150 N

0-7: Greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 7-30: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 30-65: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 65-80: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


51 563449 E 5334040 N

0-15: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots and organics (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 15-52: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 52-80: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 80-94: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


52 563449 E 5334000 N

0-20: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 20-32: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 32-65: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 65-85: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 48

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


53 563450 E 5333960 N

0-23: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots and organics (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 23-49: Red-yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with many small roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 49-89: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 89-116: Grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


54 563399 E 5333959 N

0-32: Greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 32-53: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 53-80: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 80-95: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


55 563399 E 5334000 N

0-29: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. 29-84: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 84-105: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash).


56 563399 E 5334040 N

0-10: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 10-25: Compact reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 25-73: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles 73-95: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash) Charred organics throughout upper three strata.


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 49

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


57 563350 E 5334040 N

0-25: Greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots. Carbonized wood 0-10 cmbs. 25-40: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 40-70: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 70-90: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


58 563349 E 5334000 N

0-23: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with charcoal fragments. 23-101: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 101-109: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash).


59 563349 E 5333960 N

0-26: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 26-37: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 37-68: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 68-84: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash) Charred organics throughout first three strata.


60 563299 E 5333960 N

0-30: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 30-52: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 52-74: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 74-92: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 50

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


61 563299 E 5333999 N

0-15: Greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 15-35: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 35-60: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 60-80: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


62 563300 E 5334040 N

0-10: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 10-25: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 25-73: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles 73-95: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash) Charred organics in upper 45 cmbs.


63 563250 E 5334040 N

0-24: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. 24-70: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 70-96: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash).


64 563250 E 5334000 N

0-10: Greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 10-65: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 65-80: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 51

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


65 563247 E 5333969 N

0-20: Dark greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with few with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels ad many roots 20-34: Reddish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles 34-46: Greyish white fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, roots, charcoal fragments 46-77: Reddish brown fine to medium sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles with concentrations of sand and gravels 77-92: Greyish brown medium to coarse sand with silt and sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels


66 563199 E 5333960 N

0-44: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 44-76: Compact reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 76-95: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles 95-122: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


67 563200 E 5334000 N

0-20: Greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 20-35: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 35-55: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 55-75: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


68 563200 E 5334039 N

0-25: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and roots. 25-55: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles and roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 55-89: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash). Very gravelly throughout.


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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 52

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


69 563159 E 5334030 N

0-10: Greyish brown loamy sand with sub-rounded to sub-angular crushed gravels 10-20: Yellowish grey coarse sandy silt 20-30: Compact reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 30-100: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles and roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 100-110: Loose grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash).


70 563160 E 5333969 N

0-48: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots. Glass fragments at 20 cmbs (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone) 48-79: Compact reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 79-92: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles 92-104: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash) Charred organics to 45 cmbs.

Glass fragments @

20 cmbs

71 563157 E 5334003 N

0-10: Greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 10-19: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 19-85: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 85-105: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)


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CRC Technical Memorandum #1604M-2 Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Project

Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 53

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


72 563549 E 5334058 N

0-25: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone). Five fragments of thin clear bottle glass and one fragment of amber bottle glass. 25-40: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 40-61: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 61-80: Loose greyish brown medium to coarse sand with silt and sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles

Five fragments of thin clear

bottle glass and one fragment

of amber bottle glass

@ 0-25 cmbs

73 563531 E 5334059 N

0-14: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone). 14-44: Compact reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. Clear glass fragments at 20 cmbs. 44-78: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 78-101: Grey fine to coarse sand with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)

Clear glass fragments @

20 cmbs.

74 563511 E 5334059 N

0-35: Greyish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. Wire nail at 20-35 cmbs. 35-55: Dark yellowish brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots (disturbed glacial outwash) 55-82: Mottled reddish brown and greyish brown fine to coarse sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash) 82-105: Loose greyish yellow fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles (intact glacial outwash)

Wire nail @ 20-35 cmbs.

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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 54

Probe #

Probe Location (WGS84 Zone 10 UTM coordinates,

+/- 3 meters)

Stratigraphic Description (depths are centimeters below surface of the bed of the irrigation ditch [cmbs])

Cultural Materials


75 563517 E 5334085 N

0-31: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels. 31-43: Medium brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels mottled with dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots. Charcoal staining and charcoal fragments. 43-71: Dark reddish yellow-brown fine to medium sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels with roots mottled with grey fine to coarse sand pockets with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles (disturbed glacial outwash). Unarticulated skeletons of an MNI of two size class three mammals. Likely cat based on dentition. 71-100: Semi-compact grey fine to coarse sand with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels, small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles, and oxidized concretions (intact glacial outwash). Very gravelly throughout.

Unarticulated skeletons of an

MNI of two size class three

mammals. Likely cat based on dentition.

76 563498 E 5334033 N

0-24: Dark brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium cobbles with many small to medium roots (disturbed Holocene deposits/plow zone). One round head nail 0-10 cmbs. 24-56: Reddish brown fine sandy silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels 56-74: Mottled yellowish-greyish brown fine to medium sandy with trace silt with sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and small to medium sub-angular to sub-rounded cobbles. 74-95: Loose greyish brown medium to coarse sand with silt and sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted gravels and cobbles East wall of probe – yellowish brown medium to coarse sand from 25-83 cmbs. Charred organics in upper three strata.

One round head nail @ 0-

10 cmbs

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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 55

Attachment A. Correspondence between CRC and area Tribes.

PO BOX 10668, BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA 98110 PHONE 206.855.9020 - [emailprotected]

June 9, 2016 Snohomish Tribe Michael didahalqid Evans, Chair 9792 Edmonds Way, #267 Edmonds, WA 98020 Re: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Yard Project, Snohomish County, WA Dear Michael: I am writing to inform you of a cultural resources assessment for the above referenced project and to seek additional information about the project area the Tribe may have that is not readily available through other written sources. The project is located in Section 22, Township 31 North, Range 5 Willamette Meridian at Arlington in Snohomish County, Washington. Snohomish County PUD No. 1 is requesting this assessment for the Arlington Remote Pole Yard to be located on Parcel Number is 31052200400200 in Snohomish County. The project will develop approximately 15 acres of a 26.48 acre site in stages. The Pole Yard will be constructed in 2016. A solar array, microgrid and battery backup system will follow in 2018. A local office will be constructed in 2019 and 2020 to support District line crews, engineering and customer service staff. Beginning in 2020, a backup data center and energy control center will be constructed. Ground disturbing activities will impact a majority of the site area. The last project anticipated at this time is a substation to be constructed in 2026. We are in the process of reviewing available information. Background research will include a site files search at the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, review of previously recorded cultural resource reports, and review of pertinent published literature and ethnographies. Results of our investigations will be presented in a technical memo. We are aware that not all information is contained within published sources. Should the Tribe have additional information to support our assessment, we would very much like to include it in our study. Please contact me should you wish to provide any comments. I appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Sonja Kassa Projects Manager

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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 56

PO BOX 10668, BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA 98110 PHONE 206.855.9020 - [emailprotected]

June 9, 2016 Snoqualmie Indian Tribe Steven Mullen-Moses PO Box 969 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Re: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Yard Project, Snohomish County, WA Dear Steven: I am writing to inform you of a cultural resources assessment for the above referenced project and to seek additional information about the project area the Tribe may have that is not readily available through other written sources. The project is located in Section 22, Township 31 North, Range 5 Willamette Meridian at Arlington in Snohomish County, Washington. Snohomish County PUD No. 1 is requesting this assessment for the Arlington Remote Pole Yard to be located on Parcel Number is 31052200400200 in Snohomish County. The project will develop approximately 15 acres of a 26.48 acre site in stages. The Pole Yard will be constructed in 2016. A solar array, microgrid and battery backup system will follow in 2018. A local office will be constructed in 2019 and 2020 to support District line crews, engineering and customer service staff. Beginning in 2020, a backup data center and energy control center will be constructed. Ground disturbing activities will impact a majority of the site area. The last project anticipated at this time is a substation to be constructed in 2026. We are in the process of reviewing available information. Background research will include a site files search at the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, review of previously recorded cultural resource reports, and review of pertinent published literature and ethnographies. Results of our investigations will be presented in a technical memo. We are aware that not all information is contained within published sources. Should the Tribe have additional information to support our assessment, we would very much like to include it in our study. Please contact me should you wish to provide any comments. I appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Sonja Kassa Projects Manager

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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 57

PO BOX 10668, BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA 98110 PHONE 206.855.9020 - [emailprotected]

June 9, 2016 Stillaguamish Tribe Kerry Lyste, Cultural Resources 4126 172nd Street Arlington, WA 98223 Re: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Yard Project, Snohomish County, WA Dear Kerry: I am writing to inform you of a cultural resources assessment for the above referenced project and to seek additional information about the project area the Tribe may have that is not readily available through other written sources. The project is located in Section 22, Township 31 North, Range 5 Willamette Meridian at Arlington in Snohomish County, Washington. Snohomish County PUD No. 1 is requesting this assessment for the Arlington Remote Pole Yard to be located on Parcel Number is 31052200400200 in Snohomish County. The project will develop approximately 15 acres of a 26.48 acre site in stages. The Pole Yard will be constructed in 2016. A solar array, microgrid and battery backup system will follow in 2018. A local office will be constructed in 2019 and 2020 to support District line crews, engineering and customer service staff. Beginning in 2020, a backup data center and energy control center will be constructed. Ground disturbing activities will impact a majority of the site area. The last project anticipated at this time is a substation to be constructed in 2026. We are in the process of reviewing available information. Background research will include a site files search at the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, review of previously recorded cultural resource reports, and review of pertinent published literature and ethnographies. Results of our investigations will be presented in a technical memo. We are aware that not all information is contained within published sources. Should the Tribe have additional information to support our assessment, we would very much like to include it in our study. Please contact me should you wish to provide any comments. I appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Sonja Kassa Projects Manager

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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 58

PO BOX 10668, BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA 98110 PHONE 206.855.9020 - [emailprotected]

June 9, 2016 Tulalip Tribes Richard Young, Cultural Resources 6410 23rd Ave NE Tulalip, WA 98271 Re: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Arlington Remote Pole Yard Project, Snohomish County, WA Dear Richard: I am writing to inform you of a cultural resources assessment for the above referenced project and to seek additional information about the project area the Tribe may have that is not readily available through other written sources. The project is located in Section 22, Township 31 North, Range 5 Willamette Meridian at Arlington in Snohomish County, Washington. Snohomish County PUD No. 1 is requesting this assessment for the Arlington Remote Pole Yard to be located on Parcel Number is 31052200400200 in Snohomish County. The project will develop approximately 15 acres of a 26.48 acre site in stages. The Pole Yard will be constructed in 2016. A solar array, microgrid and battery backup system will follow in 2018. A local office will be constructed in 2019 and 2020 to support District line crews, engineering and customer service staff. Beginning in 2020, a backup data center and energy control center will be constructed. Ground disturbing activities will impact a majority of the site area. The last project anticipated at this time is a substation to be constructed in 2026. We are in the process of reviewing available information. Background research will include a site files search at the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, review of previously recorded cultural resource reports, and review of pertinent published literature and ethnographies. Results of our investigations will be presented in a technical memo. We are aware that not all information is contained within published sources. Should the Tribe have additional information to support our assessment, we would very much like to include it in our study. Please contact me should you wish to provide any comments. I appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Sonja Kassa Projects Manager

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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 59

Attachment B. Inadvertent discovery protocol. Protocols for Discovery of Archaeological Resources In the event that archaeological resources are encountered during project implementation, the following actions will be taken: In the find location, all ground disturbing activity will stop. The find location will be secured from any additional impacts and the supervisor will be informed. The project proponent will immediately contact the agencies with jurisdiction over the lands where the discovery is located, if appropriate. The appropriate agency archaeologist or the proponent’s contracting archaeologist will determine the size of the work stoppage zone or discovery location in order to sufficiently protect the resource until further decisions can be made regarding the work site. The project proponent will consult with DAHP regarding the evaluation of the discovery and the appropriate protection measures, if applicable. Once the consultation has been completed, and if the site is determined to be NRHP-eligible, the project proponent will request written concurrence from the agency or tribe(s) that the protection and mitigation measures have been fulfilled. Upon notification of concurrence from the appropriate parties, the project proponent will proceed with the project. Within six months after completion of the above steps, the project proponent will prepare a final written report of the discovery. The report will include a description of the contents of the discovery, a summary of consultation, and a description of the treatment or mitigation measures. Protocols for Discovery of Human Remains If human remains are found within the project area, the project proponent, its contractors or permit-holders, the following actions will be taken, consistent with Washington State RCWs 68.50.645, 27.44.055, and 68.60.055: If ground-disturbing activities encounter human skeletal remains during the course of construction then all activity will cease that may cause further disturbance to those remains. The area of the find will be secured and protected from further disturbance. The project proponent will prepare a plan for securing and protecting exposed human remains and retain consultants to perform these services. The finding of human skeletal remains will be reported to the county medical examiner/coroner and local law enforcement in the most expeditious manner possible. The remains will not be touched, moved, or further disturbed. The county medical examiner/coroner will assume jurisdiction over the human skeletal remains and make a determination of whether those remains are forensic or non-forensic. If the county medical examiner/coroner determines the remains are non-forensic, then they will report that finding to DAHP, which will then take jurisdiction over the remains. DAHP will notify any appropriate cemeteries and all affected tribes of the find. The State Physical Anthropologist will make a determination of whether the remains are Indian or Non-Indian and report that finding to any appropriate cemeteries and the affected tribes. DAHP will then handle all consultation with the affected parties as to the future preservation, excavation, and disposition of the remains.

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Arlington, Snohomish County, Washington Page 60

Lead Representative and Primary Contact Snoqualmie Indian Nation PO Box 969 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Primary Contact: Steven Mullen-Moses, Director of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, 425-495-6097 Stillaguamish Tribe PO Box 277 3322 236th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 Primary Contact: Kerry Lyste, Cultural Resources, 360-572-3072 Snohomish Tribe 11014 19th Avenue SE, Suite 8 Everett, WA 98208-5121 Primary Contact: Michael Evans, Chairman, 425-671-1387 Tulalip Tribes 6410 23rd Ave NE Tulalip, WA 98271 Primary Contact: Richard Young, Cultural Resources, 360-716-2652 Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Lead Representative: Allyson Brooks, State Historic Preservation Officer, 360-586-3066 Primary Contact: Gretchen Kaehler, Local Government Archaeologist, 360-586-3088 Primary Contact for Human Remains: Guy Tasa, State Physical Anthropologist, 360-586-3534 Snohomish County Medical Examiner 9509 29th Ave W Everett, WA 98204 Primary Contact: Daniel Selove, MD, Medical Officer, 425-438-6200 Snohomish County Sheriff 3000 Rockefeller Ave. Everett, WA 98201 Primary Contact: Ty Trenary, Sheriff, 425-388-3393

TECHNICAL MEMO 1604M-2 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.