What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 11, 2024

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Choose the right media type


Use multimedia principles


Balance quality and quantity


Align with accessibility standards


Test and evaluate


Update and improve


Here’s what else to consider

Online courses are a great way to learn new skills, expand your knowledge, and advance your career. But creating engaging and effective online courses is not as easy as it may seem. You need to consider the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses, such as how to use images, videos, audio, animations, and interactive elements to enhance your learners' experience and retention. In this article, you will learn about six best practices for creating multimedia content for online courses, and how to apply them to your own projects.

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  • Monica Gichimu Empowering Teams to Excel through performance based learning, training and development

    What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (3) What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (4) 4

  • What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (6) 2

  • Jonny Havey, MBA Co-Founder at eLearning Partners | Free Masterclass: Successfully build, launch, and distribute your eLearning program…

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What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (9) What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (10) What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (11)

1 Choose the right media type

The first step in creating multimedia content for online courses is to choose the right media type for your learning objectives, audience, and context. Different media types have different strengths and weaknesses, and you need to match them with your instructional goals and learner preferences. For example, images can help you illustrate concepts, show examples, or create emotional impact. Videos can help you demonstrate processes, tell stories, or provide feedback. Audio can help you narrate, explain, or motivate. Animations can help you show movement, change, or cause and effect. Interactive elements can help you engage, assess, or personalize.

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    Always remember to make your multimedia content accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities, by providing alternative formats and adhering to accessibility guidelines. Regularly gathering feedback from learners can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your multimedia content and make necessary improvements for continuous enhancement of the course experience.


    What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (20) 2

  • Dr Zaffar Ahmad Assistant Professor of Education (c); Post Doctorate (ICSSR New Delhi);Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh; Data Analyst (SPSS; AMOS; MINITAB)
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    Creating engaging multimedia content for online courses involves a blend of instructional design, technology, and creativity. Best practices suggest starting with a clear understanding of your audience and learning objectives, then selecting the appropriate multimedia elements to enhance the learning experience. Incorporating a mix of video lectures, screencasts, and interactive activities can cater to different learning styles and keep students engaged. It's also crucial to ensure that content is accessible and ADA compliant, with closed captioning for videos and audio descriptions where necessary. Lastly, keeping multimedia content concise and focused helps maintain learner attention and facilitates better knowledge retention.


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    For effective multimedia content creation in online courses, focus on clarity, relevance, and engagement. Use a mix of formats such as videos, slideshows, infographics, and interactive simulations to cater to diverse learning styles. Keep content concise and well-structured, breaking it into digestible chunks. Utilize high-quality visuals and audio to enhance understanding and retention. Incorporate interactivity through quizzes, polls, and discussions to promote active learning. Ensure accessibility by providing captions, transcripts, and alternative formats for multimedia elements. Finally, regularly update content to reflect current trends and advancements in the subject matter.

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2 Use multimedia principles

When creating multimedia content for online courses, it is essential to use multimedia principles to guide your design and development. These principles are based on research and evidence on how people learn from multimedia, and they can help you optimize your content for cognitive efficiency and effectiveness. Among the most important principles are the multimedia principle (use words and pictures instead of words alone), the modality principle (use spoken words and pictures rather than written words and pictures), the coherence principle (omit extraneous words, pictures, and sounds), the signaling principle (highlight important words, pictures, and sounds), the redundancy principle (avoid presenting the same information in different media types), the spatial contiguity principle (place related words and pictures close together), and the temporal contiguity principle (present related words and pictures at the same time).

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  • Monica Gichimu Empowering Teams to Excel through performance based learning, training and development
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    Understanding and applying different multimedia principles help reduce cognitive load for learners by great extent. For instance, Signaling principle, in your text content, you can highlight by use of a different color or bolden key concept/ word. This ensures the learner's mind focus on key point and this helps ensure their retention.


    What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (47) What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (48) 4

  • Simon STRUDWICK Senior Instructional Designer
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    The redundancy principle to reduce cognitive load for learners is so important. Avoid having learners listen to audio voice over and read the same content at the same time. Give them the option to turn on/off the audio and don't provide content in audio alone. Consistency is key! use a style guide for consistent use of visual design - text and paragraph formatting, image style, colors. Less is more! Resist the urge to crowd too many design elements on one screen. White space in online courses increases the usability and enhances user experience. Refrain from using too many fonts, colors or other visual elements at the same time.


    What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (57) 1

  • Mariza Toledo Educadora Corporativa Sênior | Designer Instrucional | Consultora em Educação Inovadora | Palestrante| Mestre em Tecnologias Emergentes para Educação
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    Os princípios da multimídia são essenciais para a minimização da sobrecarga cognitiva durante a aprendizagem, pois o excesso de estímulos apresentados em uma tela devido a muitos recursos multimídias podem levar a exacerbação mental, impedindo que o aluno foque no mais importante: na mensagem que precisa ser passada.



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3 Balance quality and quantity

The third step in creating multimedia content for online courses is to balance quality and quantity. Quality relates to the technical and aesthetic aspects of your multimedia content, such as resolution, clarity, color, sound, and style. Quantity is concerned with the amount and duration of your multimedia content, such as file size, number of slides, and video length. Striking the right balance between quality and quantity will ensure that your multimedia content is clear, attractive, and relevant, but also manageable, accessible, and digestible. To achieve this balance, use high-quality images, videos, audio, and animations that are relevant to your content and audience. Compress your files to reduce their size and loading time without sacrificing quality or functionality. Utilize short and concise videos and audio clips that cover one main point or idea per segment. Break down your content into smaller chunks that are easy to process and remember. Lastly, employ interactive elements sparingly and strategically to enhance learning and engagement without distracting or confusing viewers.

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  • Kristyn Sheehy I Help Organizations Electrify Learning⚡| Instructional Designer | elearning Developer | Follow Me For Insights In Creating Interactive Learning Experiences
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    Incorporate a variety of multimedia elements such as text, images, videos, audio clips, animations, infographics, and interactive exercises to enhance engagement and cater to different learning preferences.


    What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (75) 1

  • Jonny Havey, MBA Co-Founder at eLearning Partners | Free Masterclass: Successfully build, launch, and distribute your eLearning program or online course every time
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    Learners today prefer microlearning videos as they mimic social media content learners are already accustomed to. We recommend creating 3-5 minute videos for theoretical materials and longer videos for more technical subjects and tutorials. Regarding quality, focus on solving your learners' challenges. Even highly produced content won't perform if it doesn't solve problems and engage learners. Ensure that your audio quality is on point, as learners will forgive a lack of video quality but not audio quality. It's really hard to comprehend if the audio isn't up to par.


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4 Align with accessibility standards

The fourth step in creating multimedia content for online courses is to align with accessibility standards. These standards are designed to ensure that your multimedia content is usable and understandable by all learners, regardless of their abilities, disabilities, or preferences. By adhering to accessibility standards, you can increase the reach, inclusivity, and quality of your online courses. To do this, you should provide alternative text for images, videos, and animations that describe their content and purpose. Additionally, captions and transcripts for videos and audio clips should be provided that include the spoken words and relevant sounds. Furthermore, audio descriptions should be provided for videos and animations that describe the visual elements and actions. Interactive elements should also be equipped with keyboard navigation and focus indicators to allow learners to use them without a mouse. Finally, use color contrast, font size, and text alignment that make your content easy to read and perceive.

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  • Simon STRUDWICK Senior Instructional Designer
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    Here are some things I always consider when designing for accessibility:Visual design: I keep it simple and try to reduce the learner's cognitive load by having only one idea presented at a time. I use lots of negative space and contrast, using images, colors and headings to guide the learner through the material. Text: readability in terms of fonts, contrast, and sizes. The use of clear and concise language that everyone in your audience can understand. Audio: I never have audio without text, and I never have text without audio. Anyone should be able to read or listen to all of the content (includes alt text for images). User Interface: I keep it simple, and always make sure that it is possible to navigate using only a keyboard.


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  • Jonny Havey, MBA Co-Founder at eLearning Partners | Free Masterclass: Successfully build, launch, and distribute your eLearning program or online course every time
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    One of the best ways to make your video and audio content more accessible is by including a transcript and/or captions. Some learners prefer reading the text while listening to the material, as it improves comprehension. You can also include explanations of various graphics you're using in your videos. Learners with dyslexia, for example, need more contextual information than other learners, which means you may want to spend a bit more time providing context, examples, and stories.


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5 Test and evaluate

The fifth step in creating multimedia content for online courses is to test and evaluate. Testing and evaluating your multimedia content is essential to guarantee its efficacy, meet your learning objectives, and satisfy your learners' expectations and needs. You can test and evaluate your multimedia content in a variety of ways, such as using different devices, browsers, and platforms to check compatibility, functionality, and appearance; employing different tools such as validators, checkers, and simulators to assess quality, performance, and accessibility; and utilizing different methods like surveys, feedback forms, quizzes, and analytics to collect data and feedback from your learners and stakeholders regarding effectiveness, usability, and satisfaction.

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  • Kristyn Sheehy I Help Organizations Electrify Learning⚡| Instructional Designer | elearning Developer | Follow Me For Insights In Creating Interactive Learning Experiences
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    Regularly update and evaluate to ensure its relevance, accuracy, and effectiveness. Solicit feedback from learners, instructors, and subject matter experts and use data analytics to assess learner engagement and performance with multimedia materials.


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6 Update and improve

The sixth and final step in creating multimedia content for online courses is to update and improve, which is necessary to keep it current, relevant, and engaging. You can do this based on the results of your testing and evaluation, as well as changes in your content, audience, and context. Updating and improving your multimedia content could involve adding, deleting, or modifying images, videos, audio, animations, and interactive elements that are outdated or irrelevant. Additionally, you can improve the quality, quantity, and balance of your multimedia content based on feedback and data from your learners and stakeholders. And finally, incorporating new media types, features, or technologies can enhance your multimedia content and learning experience.

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  • Jonny Havey, MBA Co-Founder at eLearning Partners | Free Masterclass: Successfully build, launch, and distribute your eLearning program or online course every time
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    It will be much easier to make an eLearning update if you create agnostic content. Agnostic content means that you can still use the content even if your subject matter expert decides to leave. Think of it as looking ahead and future-proofing your content.For example, recording videos as agnostic content can be easy. If the subject matter expert leaves and you don’t want to use their face in your content in the future, you can just use the audio from the video. You could replace the visuals with B-roll or something else. Of course, make sure that you have the right to use the audio content when making a contract with your subject matter expert.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Keith Pond
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    When using video (and a smartphone is brilliant for capturing high-enough quality pictures) focus on the quality of the SOUND.Sound quality is much more elusive than video quality. So pay attention to:- Background noise (traffic, wind, extraneous voices)- Echoes and reverberations when recording indoors- Good quality microphones, and- Placing microphones in the right places (lapel mics are cheap and accessible and can sync with smartphones).Not everything can be put right in the cutting room later.


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E-Learning What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (128)


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What are the best multimedia content creation practices for online courses? (2024)
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